Monday, August 31, 2015

PHS Tree At Seminary Will Honor Pope Francis

Philadelphia Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. has invited all 219 parishes in the five-county Archdiocese of Philadelphia to participate in the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation which will be celebrated on Tuesday, September 1st

Pope Francis established this day of prayer as an annual event to coincide with a similar observance in the Orthodox Church.

The Holy Father's recent encyclical, Laudato Si, on the care of our common home, highlights the duties and responsibilities of all Christians to safeguard Almighty God's gift of creation. This annual day of prayer will be observed jointly by the Catholic and Orthodox Church. 

You are encouraged to pray on this day, with others at Mass and also in your personal prayers, for the protection of creation. May this day of prayer remind each of us of our role as custodians of creation.

To coincide with the Day of Prayer, the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) will plant a white oak tree at the Seminary in honor of the upcoming visit of Pope Francis. The tree, designated by PHS as the 500,000th tree in their Plant One Million campaign, will be blessed after Evening Prayer.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015
11:00 a.m. (Tree Planting)
5:30 p.m. (Tree Blessing)
Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary
100 East Wynnewood Road
Wynnewood, PA 19096 (Montgomery County)

On September 1, the following intention may be included in the Universal Prayer in all Archdiocesan parishes:

For the protection of God's gift of creation, that this effort on the part of government leaders and everyone will help to overcome the routine abuse and neglect of our common home. Let us pray to the Lord.

Note: To read Pope Francis' letter announcing the "World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation" please visit:

Funny Pope Visit Parody Propels Philly Mania - Video

Philly is hosting Pope Francis for The World Meeting of Families and some say it's far from heavenly. 
As a million people pour into the city, this Pope-lovin' Philadelphian says he needs to see the Pope.

Popemania: Philly Ramps Up 'I'll Be There' Campaign

The World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 (WMOF), in collaboration with the City of Philadelphia, today kicked-off the distribution of the #OpenInPHL kits to local businesses as a part of its recently announced “I’ll Be There” awareness campaign.

The Francis Festival Street Team – led by Mayor Michael A. Nutter and Donna Crilley Farrell, Executive Director of the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 – personally delivered #OpenInPHL kits to well-known Philadelphia establishments throughout the Francis Festival Grounds and beyond, including Wawa (17th and Arch Streets), Pat’s King of Steaks, Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steakhouse and McGillin’s Olde Ale House.  

This tour across Philadelphia included cameo appearances from a quartet led by Bobby Mansure as well as local Philadelphia mascots, including La Salle University’s Explorer, St. Joseph University’s Hawk, the University of Pennsylvania’s Quaker and Wawa’s Wally Goose.

The #OpenInPHL kits include “I’ll Be There” signage, a Welcome Pope Francis window cling, branded buttons, and additional information about the Francis Festival. The kits are designed to help businesses plan for the event and to provide information they can use to encourage residents and customers to fully experience the Francis Festival and Papal Visit.  Additionally, the #OpenInPHL kits will be available for pick-up at locations across Philadelphia from Tuesday, September 1st through Friday, September 4th at:

30th and Market Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19104
1617 John F Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 889
Philadelphia, PA 19103
The Lobby of the Bellevue
200 S. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
1 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA 19106
8000 Essington Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19153

1101 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107 

51 N. 12th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Since the kick-off of the campaign on Wednesday, August 26, an additional pick-up location has been added:
Old City District
231 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106

“The World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 gives Philadelphia a unique opportunity to showcase our world-class city on a global stage,” said Donna Crilley Farrell, Executive Director of the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015. “Through the “I’ll Be There” campaign and the distribution of the #OpenInPHL kits, we are encouraging our local businesses to engage in these incredible events and truly show off our deeply-rooted Philadelphia culture. We strongly encourage all businesses within Philadelphia and beyond to take full advantage of the resourceful information within the #OpenInPHL kits, which can be picked up from various locations in the City of Philadelphia.”

Distribution of the #OpenInPHL kits kicked-off at Wawa, which boasts one of the highest foot traffic for convenience stores and sandwich shops in Center City.  Wawa stores in Philadelphia will not only remain open throughout the weekend of September 26-27, but the company will soon open a new flagship store at Broad and Walnut Streets, right in the heart of the Francis Festival Grounds.  

“At Wawa, we are proud to join our friends and neighbors in welcoming Pope Francis, the World Meeting of Families, and the many visitors from around the world to our hometown, on this historic occasion," said Dave Simonetti, Director of Store Operations for Wawa, Inc. “We exist to fulfill customers lives every day, and part of this purpose extends to our commitment to remain open and available to the public 24/7. We look forward to being there for everyone during this momentous occasion with all of our Philadelphia stores open, stocked, and ready to serve."

A further extension of the “I’ll Be There” campaign is, which was launched today by the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015. There, consumers and businesses can learn more about the Francis Festival Grounds, including how to be part of the World Meeting of Families #OpenInPHL Sweepstakes, for the chance to win a grand prize trip for two to Rome, Italy.
Consumers can also learn more about the #PopeInPhilly #RomeContest, which encourages Festival participants to show where they were at the Francis Festival by “snapping it!” Leveraging Instagram and Twitter, the World Meeting of Families is encouraging participants of the Francis Festival to create a virtual passport of their participation by sharing photographs of their patronage at local businesses displaying the official poster or window cling. 

Qualifying posts that tag or mention a participating business and include #PopeInPhilly and #RomeContest will enter a Festival participant into a sweepstakes to win a family vacation to Rome, Italy, courtesy of the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015. Updates on the sweepstakes will be announced on September 21, 2015.

In addition to, World Meeting of Families—Philadelphia 2015 also launched today a new transportation website, which will help those traveling to the Francis Festival.  From SEPTA to PATCO to commercial bus operations, this web page will help both residents and businesses to better understand the transportation options available to them and to encourage planning that best meets the varied scenarios that those wishing to access the Francis Festival may face.  

This new transportation information can be accessed at

Co-sponsored by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the World Meeting of Families is a triennial global event that seeks to strengthen the sacred bonds of family across the globe and highlight its intrinsic value to the good of society. This international gathering will welcome Pope Francis to the United States for the first time in his Papacy. Being held in the United States for the first time ever, the official theme for the 2015 World Meeting of Families is “Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive.”

For more information regarding the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, visit  

For more information regarding The Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family, which co-sponsors the World Meeting of Families, visit

You can also engage the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia on Facebook (World Meeting of Families 2015) (Encuentro Mundial de las Familias – Filadelfia 2015), Twitter (@WMF2015) (@WMF2015ES) and Instagram (WMF2015).

About World Meetings of Families

Beginning with 1994, The Year of the Family, the Pontifical Council for the Family has been responsible for organizing the World Meetings of Families in Rome (1994); Rio de Janeiro (1997); Rome (2000); Manila (2003); Valencia (2006); Mexico City (2009); Milan (2012); and now, Philadelphia (2015).  Since its inception by Saint John Paul II, the World Meeting of Families has sought to strengthen the sacred bonds of family across the globe.

Do Cops' Lives Really Matter? Do They? Look At This!

August 29th, 2015 • Sheriff David Clarke placed blame for the execution of Harris County deputy Darren Goforth squarely upon President Barack Obama and former Attorney General Eric Holder. The Milwaukee County Sheriff said that Obama and Holder laid the groundwork for "this war on police" by supporting 'activists' who have disparaged law enforcement based upon a set of lies.

Chaput: Joy Of Gospel Comes From 'Gospel of Life'

Following is a column by Philadelphia Archbishop Charles J. Chaput.
This week's column is adapted from Archbishop Chaput's Aug. 28 comments to the national Religion Newswriters Association. He took part in a panel, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, on the impending papal visit to the United States.

What do we hope Pope Francis will take away from his September visit to Philadelphia? I hope he realizes that American Catholics in general, and Philadelphia Catholics in a very special way, love and support him wholeheartedly. I hope he sees that there's tremendous good in our country, and a lot of it began here in Philadelphia, where our nation was born.
I hope he sees how deeply shaped we are - as a city and as a people - by the immigrant experience. I hope he sees that the Church here is alive and eager for a new spirit of life. I also hope he sees the gravity of the challenges we face in advancing a Christian approach to family life, marriage, human sexuality and religious freedom. And I hope he leaves with a sense of how the American Church really conducts her mission.
What do I mean by that last sentence? Critics sometimes claim that America's bishops talk too much about issues like abortion and religious freedom while they overlook the poor. And of course we do talk about those issues, and we'll continue to do so - vigorously, and for as long as it takes - because the right to life and religious liberty are foundational to human dignity. Without the right to life, all other human rights are compromised.
But consider this: In Philadelphia we spend less than $200,000 a year on the archdiocesan office that handles sanctity of life, family and laity issues. It has one full time employee. Most of our specifically "prolife" work is done by volunteers, and at the parish level.
In comparison, we spend more than 4.2 million privately donated archdiocesan dollars each year -- every year -- on social services for the poor, the homeless, the disabled, troubled youths, battered women, immigration counseling, food pantries and nutritional programs. And we manage another $100 million in public funding for the same or similar efforts. We have 1,600 full time employees spread across these Catholic social ministries doing the works of mercy -- and fewer than 200 of them are involved in parenting, family and pregnancy support services.
What's the lesson? If there's anything "lopsided" about the real witness of the Catholic Church in Philadelphia, it's weighted heavily in favor of the poor. It always has been. And that's the reality in nearly every diocese in the United States. But it's not a fact that fits comfortably into a storyline of "compassionate Pope Francis vs. conservative American bishops."
When Francis was an archbishop in Buenos Aires, Argentine political leaders reviled him publicly as "the leader of the opposition." When he defended Church teaching on issues like sexuality and marriage, they accused him of conducting "an inquisition." He wrote about his frustration with that ugly government and media narrative in his 2010 book, On Heaven and Earth. It's worth taking to heart.
So I hope that as he flies home on September 27, the Holy Father will understand that American Catholics share every ounce of his passion for Christian service and human dignity - beginning with the unborn child, but not ending there; including the poor and the immigrant, but reaching from conception to natural death and confirming that the "joy of the Gospel" comes from a Gospel of Life."

Note: Columns are published each week on and can also be found at

What The Hell Happened To Jeb Bush?

What the hell happened to Jeb Bush?
Here's a guy who was supposed to be the immediate frontrunner for the 2016 GOP nomination.
He started with instant name-recognition, certified establishment backing, a sense of the heir apparent, an admittedly great record as Governor of Florida, zillions of dollars in donations, a big organization and what would seem to be an obvious leg up.
And so far he's does nothing but squander it.
What's the problem?
To begin with, Jeb has been less than inspiring. In fact, he's been boring.
He's coming off as somewhere between a nerd and a policy wonk. Wait, we don't wanna insult nerds. And, he'd have to show us he's better informed (or faster with his delivery, we suppose) to be a certified wonk.
No, he's coming off as an either/or guy -- the type of guy who says "Well, on the one hand; but on the other hand . . . "
That's boring.
This is definitely not the kind of guy you would want to have a beer with. And God forbid that you might have to sit through an entire dinner with him. Yawn . . . .
And, this too -- those outdated granny glasses that he wears make him seem old and professorial.
Jeb seems self-conscious and awkward and even testy lately.
He needs to be more spontaneous; more lively; more comfortable in his own skin.
We need to get a sense of a genuine person -- someone who really is running for president and who knows who he is and why he's running. We need a Jeb Bush who's unapologetically himself; who's not running away from himself or anyone or anything else; who doesn't look like a deer in headlights.
Hey, overall we've got nothing against the guy or his family. We like 'em.
But Jeb, C'mon -- get your act together!

'Mercy Prayer Cross' Unveiled For Pope's Visit

Today, the World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia 2015 (WMOF) and Mercy Vocational High School unveiled the commemorative Mercy Prayer Cross designed and constructed for the World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia 2015 Youth Congress.

The Mercy Prayer Cross stands ten feet high with a width of four and half feet. It was handcrafted by Mercy Vocational High School's Carpentry Teacher, Steve Hove, and carpentry students and finished with white paint to complete the beautiful design. Originally designed by the Venerable Catherine McAuley, Founder of the Sisters of Mercy, the contemporary version of the Mercy Cross forms a cross-within-a-cross, symbolizing dedication to the work of God and service to others through the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. 

During the World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia 2015 Youth Congress, participants will join together to write notes of love and petition to Jesus on colorful pieces of paper, which will then be adhered to the sides of the cross, creating an ever-growing testament to the virtues of love and the power of prayer.

"We are excited and very grateful that Mercy Vocational High School took it upon themselves to dedicate their time and energy into creating this beautiful Mercy Prayer Cross, a daily focal point of the Youth Congress that will help stimulate thoughtful discussions around prayer and the importance of family in our lives," said Donna Crilley Farrell, Executive Director of the World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia 2015. "In keeping with the Sisters of Mercy mission of living the Gospel in word and action to promote service to others, the commemorative cross will serve as a lasting symbol of the Youth Congress' positive impact on our next generation of world leaders."

The World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia 2015 Youth Congress occurs simultaneously with the Adult Congress within the Pennsylvania Convention Center (PACC). The Youth Congress has a universal design and is accessible to all young people ages 6 to 17, who are registered and attending with their family. The Youth Congress is an interactive program designed around building, creating, playing, listening, serving and embracing the Mission of Love that brings Families Fully Alive.

"Inspired by the theme of World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia 2015, Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive,' our Building Trades staff and students joined together to handcraft and paint the Mercy Prayer Cross as we excitedly await the start of the Youth Congress and historic visit of Pope Francis to Philadelphia," said Sister Rosemary Herron, President of Mercy Vocational High School. "The cross has a strong Catechesis Connection, virtues of a lifelong project which builds upon habits of prayer' (#67). I am grateful that we have had the opportunity to create this centerpiece of prayer, joining together with pilgrims from around the world to celebrate love and family."

Co-sponsored by the Holy See's Pontifical Council for the Family and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the World Meeting of Families is a triennial global event that seeks to strengthen the sacred bonds of family across the globe and highlight its intrinsic value to the good of society. This international gathering will welcome Pope Francis to the United States for the first time in his Papacy. Being held in the United States for the first time ever, the official theme for the 2015 World Meeting of Families is "Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive."

For more information regarding the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, visit

For more information regarding The Holy See's Pontifical Council for the Family, which co-sponsors the World Meeting of Families, visit

You can also engage the World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia on Facebook (World Meeting of Families 2015) (Encuentro Mundial de las Familias - Filadelfia 2015), Twitter (@WMF2015) (@WMF2015ES) and Instagram (WMF2015).

About World Meetings of Families
Beginning with 1994, The Year of the Family, the Pontifical Council for the Family has been responsible for organizing the World Meetings of Families in Rome (1994); Rio de Janeiro (1997); Rome (2000); Manila (2003); Valencia (2006); Mexico City (2009); Milan (2012); and now, Philadelphia (2015). Since its inception by Saint John Paul II, the World Meeting of Families has sought to strengthen the sacred bonds of family across the globe.

About Mercy Vocational High School

Within a 21st century learning environment, we provide a Catholic education and a comprehensive, academic, career and technical school experience which prepares students for the workforce and/or post-secondary education. In the Mercy tradition, we live the Gospel in word and action and promote service to others. The Mercy Vocational High School graduate is a highly competent, compassionate, contributing member of the global community.

Hmmm . . . That Eerie Silence Is Deafening . . .

Fourteen police officers died in August -- seven in the last nine days.
A Texas Deputy was ambushed and assassinated. 
Yet there is no outcry, no outrage, and no comment whatsoever from our President?
That speaks volumes.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

NO! On Iran Deal: Here's Who To Contact Now!

Here is a very special message from our friends at the Independence Hall Foundation:

Realizing that Senator Tom Carper (DE) and Congressman Chaka Fattah (PA-2) are lost causes, we are now down to eight regional members of Congress who have not yet announced a position on the Iran Deal and appear to be truly undecided.

Many of them are expected to announce a decision this week.  

If you are represented by any of the following legislators, please call their office first thing Monday morning and ask them to vote against this horrific deal.   

Senator Chris Coons
 Washington Office:  202.224.5042
 Wilmington Office:  302.573.6345

Congressman John Carney (At-large)
 Washington Office:  202.225.4165
 Wilmington Office:  302.691.7333

New Jersey
Senator Cory Booker
 Washington Office:  202.224.3224
 Camden Office:  856.338.8922

Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (12th District)
 Washington Office:  202.225.5801
 Ewing Office:  609.883.0026

Congressman Frank Pallone (6th District)
 Washington Office:  202.225.4671
 New Brunswick Office:  732.249.8892

Senator Bob Casey
 Washington Office:  202.224.6324
 Philadelphia Office:  215.405.9660

Congressman Bob Brady (1st District)
 Washington Office:  202.225.4731
 Chester Office:  610.874.7094
 Philadelphia Office:  215.389.4636

Congressman Matt Cartwright (17th District)
 Washington Office:  202.225.5546
 Pottsville Office:  570.624.0140

Retired Generals and Admirals Denounce Deal
Board Member Peter Beckschi forwarded us the following link to an astounding open letter opposing the Iran deal signed by 190 retired Generals and Admirals.

Summer Over? No Way! Here Are 18 Reasons Why

The perpetuation of the ridiculous myth that summer ends on Labor Day must stop. This nonsense must end.
We ask you: Does winter end as soon as the calendar says it's March? We like to think that it does, but we know it does not.
And we all know that winter doesn't begin on December 1, even though by that date we're already overwhelmed by the senseless rush toward (and commercialization of) Christmas.
So, summer doesn't start at the end of May (Memorial Day) and it doesn't end at the beginning of September (Labor Day). Those artificial bookends of summer are bogus.
Summer doesn't end till September 22nd.
Which means we still have nearly three weeks of summer left to enjoy. And these 20 days are among the best in the year.
With that in mind (and in no particular order) here are 18 big reasons to hold onto summer:

1) The beach. You can really enjoy it now since the kids are gone and it's blessedly uncrowded.

2) The sun. It bathes you at a beautiful angle this time of year. 

3) The evenings. Just a bit cooler and more refreshing now than at the middle of the season.

4) Tennis. The US Open provides high drama, excitement and the Big Prize.

5) Lazy afternoons. You can still sneak away for some fishin, walkin, sky-gazing or whatever.

6) Fairs and carnivals. Some of the best ones are held now.

7) Late summer blooms. These include coneflower, asters, mums, Russian sage and heliotrope.

9) Travel bargains. At many locations the cost of lodging and dining is slashed as summer winds down.

10) The ocean water temperature. It's generally warmer now and much more enjoyable.

11) Late summer vegetables: corn, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, melons (even some peaches) and plums, all still available.

12) Baseball. The grand finale as we run up to the playoffs and World Series. Exciting!

13) Quietness. Most of your favorite open-air spots are quieter now so you can really listen to the sound of nature.

14) Fewer bugs buzzing. Except for those damned yellow jacks, you won't have to worry as much about insects.

15) Energy savings. Go ahead, open the window.

16) Al fresco dining. As nice this time of year as it's ever gonna be.

17) That deep, deep, green. Catch it before the trees begin to turn.

18) Summer's endless spirit. That spirit is still here and the moments and memories your savor during these final days of summer will warm you all the way through till next year.

Noonan: American Now Fully 'In Play' And It's Fun!

Peggy Noonan has penned a wonderful column in the Wall Street Journal about the Donald Trump phenomenon and its impact on American politics.
According to Peggy, right now "America is so in play."
Here's an excerpt:
Something is going on, some tectonic plates are moving in interesting ways. My friend Cesar works the deli counter at my neighborhood grocery store. He is Dominican, an immigrant, early 50s, and listens most mornings to a local Hispanic radio station, La Mega, on 97.9 FM. Their morning show is the popular “El Vacilón de la Mañana,” and after the first GOP debate, Cesar told me, they opened the lines to call-ins, asking listeners (mostly Puerto Rican, Dominican, Mexican) for their impressions. More than half called in to say they were for Mr. Trump. Their praise, Cesar told me a few weeks ago, dumbfounded the hosts. I later spoke to one of them, who identified himself as D.J. New Era. He backed Cesar’s story. “We were very surprised,” at the Trump support, he said. Why? “It’s a Latin-based market!”
“He’s the man,” Cesar said of Mr. Trump. This week I went by and Cesar told me that after Mr. Trump threw Univision’s well-known anchor and immigration activist, Jorge Ramos,out of an Iowa news conference on Tuesday evening, the “El Vacilón” hosts again threw open the phone lines the following morning and were again surprised that the majority of callers backed not Mr. Ramos but Mr. Trump. Cesar, who I should probably note sees me, I sense, as a very nice establishment person who needs to get with the new reality, was delighted.
I said: Cesar, you’re supposed to be offended by Trump, he said Mexico is sending over criminals, he has been unfriendly, you’re an immigrant. Cesar shook his head: No, you have it wrong. Immigrants, he said, don’t like illegal immigration, and they’re with Mr. Trump on anchor babies. “They are coming in from other countries to give birth to take advantage of the system. We are saying that! When you come to this country, you pledge loyalty to the country that opened the doors to help you.”
Click here to read the entire column.

Naked Bike Riders, Philly 2015 - Full Video

Okay, so yesterday hundreds of naked bicycle riders road through the streets of center city Philadelphia in the annual Philly Naked Bike Ride. It was a perfect day for it -- blue skies, warm and sunny.
The riders were male and female, all shapes and sizes and all colors and ethnic varieties.
Some were decorated with body paint and some were not. Some were even on roller skates.
They were fun and funny and joyous, though definitely not for the squeamish, the prudish or the faint of heart.
Do you want to see them? Do you want to see all of them? Do you want to see a more than seven-minute video of the whole thing?
Do you really want to see it, even though we're warning you that it is for mature audiences only?
Fine, if that's your choice -- just click here and go for it!

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