Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Must We Ask This Question Again And Again?

A Facebook friend writes as follows:

Hey Liberals,
Saturday Night Live Writer Katie Rich Said Barron Trump Would Be America’s “First Homeschool Shooter." Where was the outrage? 
The Daily Mail Claimed Melania Trump Was A Prostitute: Where was the outrage? 
Trevor Noah of The Daily Show Pushed The Idea That Donald Trump Wants To Have Sex With His Daughter Ivanka. Where was the outrage? 
Chelsea Handler Attacked Eric Trump’s Unborn Child. Where was the outrage? 
Comedian Steven Spinola, who contributes on Comedy Central, referred to 10-year-old Barron Trump as a “handsome date rapist to be.” Where was the outrage? 
Rapper Bow Wow Said He Would Pimp Out Melania Trump. Where was the outrage?

What A Great Idea: Never-Before-Seen, Until Now!

At the direction of First Lady Melania Trump, visitors to the East Wing are now being treated to a new piece of history along the tour route. The self-guided tours in the East Wing now include the White House movie theater.
The White House tours were resumed with the Inauguration of President Trump who has now given the "people's house" back to the people!

Lots To Talk About -- And Entertaining, Too!

The following Philadelphia Free Library Author Events are held in the Montgomery Auditorium at the Parkway Central Library, 1901 Vine Street, unless noted. Events generally consist of a talk by the author and a Q & A period with the audience followed by a book signing. Books are sold on-site. Seating begins 45 minutes prior to event start times. No tickets or reservations are required for Free Author Events.

Live American Sign Language translation of Author Events is provided upon request. Please call the Author Events Office at least two weeks in advance to request this service.

Janet Benton | Lilli de Jong     
Monday, June 5, 2017 at 7:30 PM  
FREE | No tickets or reservations required
A young Quaker gives birth in an institution for unwed mothers in 1883 Philadelphia in this debut novel from the notable writing instructor and founder of The Word Studio. In conversation with Sam Katz, civic entrepreneur and executive producer of History Making Productions.
Sam Calagione with Patrick E. McGovern |Ancient Brews: Rediscovered and Re-created    
Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 7:30 PM  
FREE | No tickets or reservations required
Sam Calagione is a beer expert and founder of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery. Patrick McGovern is the scientific director of the Biomolecular Archaeology Project at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology. In Ancient Brews, Calagione and McGovern blend science and archeology to discover brews of yore.Watch live in the auditorium and/or join the Ravens for a beer garden on the roof from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., where you can enjoy the simulcast of the event in the Skyline Room at 7:30 p.m.
Photo Op with Kevin Hart | I Can't Make This Up: Life Lessons    
Wednesday, June 7, 2017 at 5:00 PM | 
buy tickets>>   
PHILLY, WE HEARD YOU. We've reconfigured the event as a Photo Op (with a pre-signed book) and it has moved to the library. Anyone who bought tickets to the event at Temple will receive a full refund. The comedian, actor, Forbes magazine's "king of comedy," and CEO of Hartbeat Productions describes the hard work and determination that led to his success. Please check the website for event details.
Yaa Gyasi | Homegoing
with Kei Miller | 
Thursday, June 8, 2017 at 7:30 PM  
FREE | No tickets or reservations required
Yaa Gyasi's New York Times bestselling breakout debut novel follows two half-sisters on opposite sides of the 18th-century Ghanaian slave trade and their descendants.

Kei Miller is acclaimed for portraying the cultural and socio-political issues of his native Jamaica. Set in the Jamaican backlands, Augustown tells the story of a woman's struggle to overcome the weight of history, race, and violence.

Free Library Author Events
Andy Kahan, Ruth W. and A. Morris Williams Director, Author Events
Laura Kovacs, Associate Producer & Director
Jason Freeman, Production Associate

phone: 215-567-4341

Sadly, It's All Even MORE True Now!

What follows is something that I wrote and posted here more than four months ago. 
Read it and consider that, if anything, things have only gotten worse. In fact, some of the examples that I cite are mild compared to what we've experienced within the last few days. And remember, this was all prior to the Inauguration.
Here goes:

Many people are acting as if the presidential campaign never ended -- as if the election never happened.
That's too bad. And it's not the way things are supposed to work in the good 'ole USA.

When I was a kid in eighth grade, we had a teacher at our well-worn urban schoolhouse who was a prim and proper suburbanite and a staunch Republican. We knew her affiliation because during the hotly contested 1960 campaign she sported a Nixon button on her overcoat. Now, she never,  ever expressed her political views in the classroom. That would have crossed a line and she always followed the rules.
But after one of the closest elections in history was over and the results were in, a student asked her if she was disappointed at how things had turned out. "The election's over," she answered. "The people have spoken. Kennedy won. He's my president now," she added "and I respect him as the President of the United States and wish him well."

I never forgot that. It impressed me. And not just because she was a good sport and recognized that the other team had won and her team lost.
No, it impressed me because this was more than a game. This was democracy at work. This outcome had real consequences for all of us -- for our city, our state, for the nation and the world. It mattered in people's everyday lives. And she recognized this and she was acting as a good citizen. She was showing, as Benjamin Franklin said that there are times when "we must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately." This brief moment in our history was one of those times.
But that was more than 56 years ago.

When Barack Obama was elected in 2008 and again in 2012 I immediately took to Facebook to congratulate those who supported him and wish him and them well. And, I even joined with liberal friends to commemorate President Obama's inauguration. As reported here, it was all in good fun. We closed ranks to honor the moment and recognize the peaceful and orderly transition of power in the world's greatest democracy. Even though I didn't agree with them, I was happy for my friends. That's the way it should be, yes?

But sadly, this year it simply doesn't seem to be turning out that way.

What we're experiencing from far too many of our liberal friends is a daily drumbeat of rancor, bitterness, resentment and invective. And, among the most surly and consistent offenders are current and former members of the news media -- the very people who would be expected to keep an open mind on such matters or at least set a minimal standard for balance and objectivity. But in many cases, that's not happening. Instead, they're tossing insults about during the critical period after the election but before the inauguration, a time that cries out for unity and cohesion.

What insults? Well, here are some examples gleaned from Facebook and similar social media outlets:
  • A group of daily newspapers ran a political cartoon showing a cutaway of Trump's head featuring a pompadour, a scowl. a quadruple chin and a huge brain that happened to be completely empty - cavernous. The caption? "Central Intelligence Agency."
  • A reporter listed the things that Trump thinks are overrated as follows: "the First Amendment, ethics, paying taxes, civil rights, climate change, equality, intelligence briefings and laughing." The same reporter posted items suggesting that Trump's cabinet nominations were being rushed through to avoid ethics probes; alleging that the GOP was "smearing" Obama's legacy to bring down Obamacare; terming Mitch McConnell a hypocrite and charging that Donald Trump is a "jerk store version" of a president. And then he called Trump "Putin's useful idiot.'
  • A well-known local columnist featured a sign at the top of his Facebook page declaring "Not My President" and tagged the beginning of the Trump era as "nothing less than the slow creep of fascism." 
  • Another journalist dismissed Donald Trump's victory as a matter of "petulance over politics" and sloughed off a Trump supporter as among those "who never take responsibility for their bullshit." Reacting to a post from someone defending Trump, he replied "you should Google this bullshit you swallow before you upchuck it."  
  • Still another scribe referred to Trump as "our egomaniac-elect," called incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer "a cartoon character" and concluded of Trump: "He can't put together a coherent sentence because he doesn't have any coherent thoughts -- except about himself." And President Obama? Well, he "was gracious, eloquent, and inspiring. In other words, everything his successor promises not to be." 
  • A former journalist whose byline is still quite well known summed up his view of Trump as follows: "Petty ... Childish ... Boorish ... Ignorant ... Narcissistic ... SORE WINNER!" But that wasn't enough. He then added this: "Hey Trumpty Dumpty ... When the people get tired of your constant lies and self obsessed publicity stunts ... your hair is definitely going to get mussed!"
  • Still another former journalist put it this way: "It's not politics, it's personal. It's about a self-aggrandizing, narcissistic clown." But that wasn't enough, because he felt the need to express his view that "anyone can see this man is unqualified and brazenly disinterested in properly preparing to lead our country." And, if you want to challenge this, he has a simple answer: "I'm tired of arguing with Trump people so I will not bother.
  • And yet another correspondent has circulated the federal statute which he apparently feels will serve as grounds for the future president's impeachment. You got that right; he's actually gathering what appear to be impeachment material now -- something about a conflict of interest. This is a member of the media who seems to be savoring the take down of a president before he even takes the oath of office. 
Empty-headed. Clown. Self-aggrandizing. Unqualified. Incoherent. Childish. Boorish. Ignorant. Narcissistic. Jerk store version. Trumpty Dumpty. Cartoon character. Fascism. Petulant. Bullshit. Impeachable.

Well, maybe Trump should have considered the consequences before he deigned to criticize people who buy ink by the barrel. But maybe he was simply giving voice to millions who were fed up with media bias anyway. As Dan Rather used to say at the end of his broadcasts: "Courage!"

Still, it's probably the name-calling that's the most destructive -- the continuing use of all these recklessly hurled insults, tossed about with such juvenile abandon. No one is looking for worshipfulness here but don't you think we have a right to expect more than this?

Don't you think we have a right to expect more than daily, conscious, calculated attempts to delegitimize the next leader of the free world?

I understand that members of the media and their cohorts may attempt to defend themselves by saying they are, for the most part, freely expressing their own individual views and feelings on their own social media accounts. But by publishing such strident views in this manner (and this is a form of publishing) they are broadcasting a definitive and intense bias. So, how can they maintain any semblance of objectivity or fairness? How?

And this now seems to be the norm rather than the exception. It seems almost epidemic.

Yes, today's media often appear to inhabit a vast echo chamber -- one that is self-perpetuating, crude, dismissive, but most of all cynical. And, according to Peggy Noonan, it's the rampant cynicism that should trouble us most of all. Here's how she puts it:
Anything that increases public cynicism in America is, at this point, a very particular and damaging sin. It spreads an air of social defeatism. It saps the civic will. It makes earnest and trusting people feel like dopes and dupes. It makes trusting parents look clueless to their children. . . .
"Cynicism doesn’t just make everything worse; it creates a new kind of bad. It kills, for instance, the idea of merit. You don’t rise through talent and effort; you rise through lies, connections, silence, the rules of the gang. That gives the young an unearned bitterness. That is a terrible thing for adults to do, to deprive the young of the idealism that helps them rise cleanly and with point."
The rules of the gang. 

Is this what we've come to -- gangland journalism?

I hope not.

Because if that's so, it's a far cry from that decent and honorable classroom teacher who held fast to her own views while setting a nonetheless respectful example for everyone else.
That's the America we should strive for.

And DO Keep All This In Mind As Well . . .

"If we stay with Obamacare, within a few years tens of millions will have no insurance at all that is even remotely affordable. Aetna, Humana, and other major insurers in just recent months have fled Obamacare." - Washington Times

"Obamacare is wrecking individual and small group markets. This year, premium cost increases in the individual markets are averaging 25%, and the thousands of dollars in deductibles are breathtaking. Many middle-class folks in these markets are stuck paying the equivalent of a second mortgage." - USA Today

"A recent report from the federal Department of Health and Human Services, which found the cost of the average policy on the federal Obamacare exchanges used in 39 states increased 105 percent between 2013 and 2017." - The Oklahoman

What An Extraordinary Moment THIS Was . . .

President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are guided by 6-year-old Christian Jacobs (aka The Littlest Marine) son of fallen U.S. Marine Sgt. Christopher Jacobs, to his father’s grave during Memorial Day ceremonies, Monday, May 29, 2017, at the Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va. Heartfelt and poignant!  (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

You Won't Believe This Memorial Day BRAWL!

Watch Washington Nationals’ Bryce Harper as he charges San Francisco Giants’s Hunter Strickland in the eighth inning of their match-up yesterday.

Oh, My! What An EXCELLENT Adventure . . . .

"From Saudi Arabia, to Israel, to NATO, to the G-7, we made extraordinary gains on this historic trip to advance the security and prosperity of the United States, our friends, and our allies. And we paved the way for a new era of cooperation among the nations of the world to defeat the common enemy of terrorism and provide our children with a much more hopeful future." #POTUSAbroad


Enshrined Forever: An Incalculable Sacrifice!

This Memorial Day, these photos from our visit to Normandy and Omaha Beach a few years ago are an apt reminder of the sacrifices made to protect our freedom.


In our hearts, forever!

Photos copyright 2013 by Dan Cirucci.

One Great Way To Remember All Of Them!

If you go to Washington DC and you don't see the beautiful World War II memorial (between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial) you will miss one of the most majestic and inspiring places in our nation's capital.
The World War II Memorial honors the 16 million who served in the armed forces of the U.S., the more than 400,000 who died, and all who supported the war effort from home. Symbolic of the defining event of the 20th Century, the memorial is a monument to the spirit, sacrifice, and commitment of the American people. The Second World War is the only 20th Century event commemorated on the National Mall's central axis. 
This classically-designed memorial traces the history of the war and those who fought it with words, wreaths, columns, gold stars, fountains, ramps and a huge plaza complete with seating around the rim for moments of quiet contemplation.
And yet the World War II memorial contains not a single statue of any one person. And that's appropriate because it honors every single person who contributed to the success of the war effort.
The Atlantic and Pacific theaters of war, the D-Day Invasion, the Battle of Midway and every state and territory are all here. Nothing has been forgotten.
And yet for all it's grandeur -- and it is grand -- the World War II memorial lends itself to quiet reflection and a real sense of intimacy.
This is an exceptionally well-designed public space and it stands as one of the finest monuments in Washington.
The memorial is operated by the National Park Service and is open to visitors 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For more information about visiting the memorial, accessibility, parking, directions, special events and other details, please visit the National Park Service Web site at or call the Park Service at (202) 619-7222. 

Because It's Truly Personal, THAT'S Why!

Don't trample on Memorial Day.
Don't treat like just another three-day weekend.
Don't herald it as the beginning of summer because, well -- because it's not!
And don't ever, ever ignore what it means or stands for or who it honors.
I'm saying all this because for me, this day is personal. On this day, I remember Frank Bushey, Victor Gross and John Halladay. They all died while serving our nation in Vietnam. And they were all high school classmates of mine. Yes, I remember them and I think about them often.
THIS is what Memorial Day is all about.
It's about those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice.
I hated the Vietnam War. Hated it!
And I hated it even more after it took these three young men. 
There's nothing glamorous or adventurous about war. That's the movie version. What you see above is what happens in the real life version -- all to real, painfully real, heart-breakingly real.
Honoring those who gave their all is our way -- a very small way -- of trying to show how indebted we are to those who went to war and never came home. It's our way of remembering them and their families and friends who were left with incalculable loss. It's our way of trying to extend a measure of comfort to those who still grieve, who still miss their loved ones. These were young lives cut short in their prime -- never to blossom and reach their full potential.
Memorial Day is a personal thing -- something multiplied hundreds and thousands of times over and beyond the few faces that you see above.
Remember them. Honor them. Show gratitude for their service. Keep them in your hearts. Never, ever, ever forget!

A Special Message On A VERY Special Day!

Ambassador Caroline Kennedy and her children, Rose, Tatiana, and Jack, reflect on how 100 years after his birth, their father and grandfather continues to inspire others to work, fight, and believe in a better world. Sign a birthday card for JFK at #JFK100

An Iconic Figure Who Was All Too Human

Today marks the 100th birthday anniversary of President John F. Kennedy and we are awash in related stories and personal recollections.
As usual, people are recalling where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news that JFK had died. 
But why should I tell you about where I was and what I was doing when on November 22, 1963 when I can tell you about the evening in June1960 when I met JFK.
Born nearly one-year to the day after the end of World War II, I was just shy of 14 when I was brought up to the dais at a Democrat fund-raising dinner in Camden to meet the man who would become the youngest president ever elected. I was a scrawny kid, less than 100 pounds with big ears and all the clumsiness of that dreadful phase between childhood and whatever. Sports held no interest for me. Politics was my baseball and this was as close to the World Series as I was gonna get.
At the time, Kennedy was still fighting for the Democratic presidential nomination and it was still not clear whether his own party would chose him as their standard bearer.
But the Democratic organization of Camden County was star struck and so was I. Forget that the New Jersey delegation to the Democratic convention was still technically committed to then Governor Robert Meyner as a favorite son. This night belonged to Kennedy.
Kennedy sat just to the right of the podium in Camden’s old convention hall, a former armory that had been dressed up for the occasion in bunting, flags, flowers and huge photos of Kennedy and other Democrat candidates. Security as we now know it was non-existent and local media jockeyed with dinner guests to get close to Kennedy. The scene was a bit chaotic as the dinner’s chairman struggled to establish order and get the evening underway.
But I was probably the youngest (and maybe the most ardent) Kennedy fan in the house and a local ward leader was willing to escort me right up to the man who commanded the spotlight so that I could shake his hand.
When I met him, I instantly knew there was something different.
He didn’t seem full of himself like so many public figures. In fact, he seemed somewhat shy and awkward. He lowered his shoulders a bit and thrust his hands into the pockets of his pin-striped suit jacket. He looked away for a moment and appeared lost or detached, almost to the point where I wanted to help him. So many people were trying to get his attention. Amidst it all, he appeared to be holding something back.
But then he looked down at me and took my hand and smiled. The eyes, the hair, that smile, those teeth, the voice with its distinctive accent – in no time at all I came to understand why so many others were captivated by JFK. This man was magnetic. And he seemed to be completely without hubris.
I’m sure I told him how much I admired him and how much I wanted him to be elected. And I’m sure he thanked me and left me with some encouraging words. But I couldn’t tell you what was actually said because I was in the zone. I was enveloped by the magic of it all.
Turning to leave the dais, I took one last look over the hall from that vantage point. And at that moment I knew instinctively that politics was really show biz and that in just a few moments John F. Kennedy would have to perform. He would have to meet the ceaseless expectations of yet another hungry crowd.
Still nostalgic for FDR, this audience wanted an updated version of all that charm and sophistication – someone who would not merely lead them but who would now inhabit their lives through the miracle of television.
So, JFK would do for TV what FDR did for radio. He would turn it into a potent tool to achieve a history-making victory in November.
And that’s how most people came to know Kennedy, through television. He was uniquely suited to the medium because as I noticed on the evening I met him he was cool, unassuming and incomplete. Each person was free to complete that part of him that was hidden from view. This is the perfect persona for a medium that feigned intimacy.
Charles deGaulle once said that a leader must always retain an element of mystery. “There can be no prestige without mystery,” he explained “for familiarity breeds contempt.”
JFK knew the secret that we call charisma. He never allowed us to become too familiar. 
And his untimely death seals that in perpetuity.

Note: the photos that you see above and below were taken by me on that night in 1960 when I met John F. Kennedy. 

Photos copyright 2013 by Dan Cirucci.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Having To School A Former Student: AGAIN!

Alan Dershowitz schools his former student Jeffrey Tobin on whether the subject matter is a crime in relation to Jared Kushner. Listen closely.
They've launched an investigation without even knowing WHAT they're investigating!
And CNN? Completely off the rails!

No, No! It Hasn't Quite Arrived Yet!

Since the Memorial Day weekend is here and the weather is warmer, we hope you're having a great time.
We also hope that you take time to remember those who have protected us and who have made (and continue to make) our freedom possible. This holiday is all about memorializing those who gave their lives for our freedom.
Now, let's get to the business at hand:

1) Not everyone will spend the long holiday weekend (or even the next weekend) at the Jersey shore. The media would have you believe that everyone will be at the shore but that's just an easy way for the media to not report real stories over the weekend while at the same time nurturing the myth of the Great Shore Exodus. In fact, people will enjoy the weekend in many different ways at many different places. We know we will.

2) Summer doesn't begin on Memorial Day. Summer begins on June 21, the summer solstice. And summer doesn't end on Labor Day. Summer ends on September 22 (or thereabouts) when autumn begins. The media and the travel industry concocted the idea that summer lasts from Memorial Day till Labor Day. It doesn't.

3) Memorial Day is actually May 30. This year (a rarity) the Monday holiday actually coincides with the real date of Memorial Day. Congress changed the day around to make it a three-day weekend in another attempt to rob a fine holiday of its true meaning. Leave it to the government to mess things up.

4) Memorial Day didn't become Memorial Day until 1966 when President Johnson officially renamed it. Prior to that it was widely known as Decoration Day - the day when Americans decorated the graves of the fallen.

5) The artificial boundaries of Memorial Day and Labor Day mean absolutely nothing even though many people perceive these boundaries to coincide with the school year. Most children go to school well past Memorial Day. Many children (particularly in southern states) return to school well before Labor Day. Others return several days after Labor Day.

Memorial Day isn't when people say it is. The summer hasn't begun - yet. It won't end on Labor Day. Many people will get through the whole summer without ever going to the Jersey shore. They will have a wonderful time nonetheless.
The Memorial Day and Labor Day boundaries are totally imaginary.
So, there you have it.
Enjoy what's left of spring.
Then, enjoy summer all the way through till September 22.
In fact, enjoy each day as a blessed gift. Savor every day.
Don't be cheated.

You Won't Believe What This Guy Did!

Surveillance cameras captured as the stranger unplugged the bounce house and just walked away.

When Someone Like THIS Comes Along . . .

We were sorry to hear of the recent death of Peter Hearn who served as Chancellor of the Philadelphia Bar Association in 1989. It's hard for us to imagine that was almost 20 years ago as our days with Peter Hearn are vivid in our memory and our thought of him have always been nothing but fond. Peter was 84.
Former Philadelphia Bar Association staffer Nancy Hebble probably said it best when she observed that Peter Hearn possessed "a natural grace." Peter was fair and even-handed in his dealings with
everyone. He never raised his voice and one seldom heard him say an unkind word about anyone. He was open to new ideas, curious about people and always ready with a quick quip or humorous observation, usually delivered dryly. Peter Hearn was a good listener. He looked you straight in the eye and you knew you were reaching him in some way when he would respond with his trademark "Is that right?"
Of course, he really fit the part of Chancellor of the Philadelphia Bar Association, the nation's oldest chartered group of its type. Tall and thin with silver hair and rimless glasses, he was a publicist's dream come true because he looked, sounded and acted exactly the way you hoped he would. He could make everything from a soundbite to a major speech sound true and authoritative.
You could have called Peter Hearn the last of the brahmin chancellors but we never saw it that way because this gentlemanly counselor was well-versed on the issues of the day, up to date with the popular culture and always approachable. He had wide-ranging interests and, though he loved the law, he was not the kind of lawyer to be consumed by it.
We could tell you many stories about this fine Philadelphian and his admirable sense of equanimity but two in particular stand out:

  • Once, during a meeting with the Chancellor, we found ourselves in a particularly heated exchange with another bar staffer and the zingers shot back and forth. gaining rapidity by the second. It was not a pretty sight but Peter sat calmly taking it all in -- up to a point. Then, he spoke up: "Wait just a minute," he said. "We'll have no more of this." The room fell silent. And that, as they say, was the end of that.
  • On another occasion, during a Board of Governors meeting the Board embarked on a heated debate over the investment of bar employees' pension funds. The resolution being considered called for the board to take pension money out of funds that were in any way connected with the apartheid regime controlling South Africa. It wasn't like anyone was looking to support apartheid, but the resolution was broadly-worded and there were legal issues involved. The debate droned on and on.  And then Peter rose to speak. "I think we're missing something here -- something very important," he observed. "This is not our money. We have something to say about it. We have a fiduciary responsibility., But the money is not ours. And there are quite a few people, hard-working people, depending on this money." The debate ended and the resolution was tabled.
This was the Peter Hearn that we remember.

He was gracious. He was steady. He cared about people. He listened. He spoke his mind clearly and fought the good fight. 
And all of this reminds us that life isn't compartmentalized but rather is the sum of all your actions and that even the smallest daily actions can make a big difference.
In both big ways and small, Peter Hearn made a difference -- a very positive difference -- and we're proud to have known him and worked for and with him.
Click here to read more about Peter Hearn.

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