Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Revealed: The Anti-Semitism Of The Left . . .

The BDS movement is inherently bigoted, and here's why. 
The same people on the Left, such as Ilhan "Jews hypnotize the world" Omar, who support the boycott, divestment, and sanction of Israel do not support the same actions against other nations, including hostile and oppressive nations and dictatorships. 
Where are the calls from the Left for any kind of sanctions on Venezuela, Iran, or Saudi Arabia? Here's the reality: the BDS movement is focused on the Jewish state of Israel because it is the Jewish state of Israel. This is a double standard. 
The Left treats everyone one way and Jewish people a different way. This is the definition of anti-Semitism, and this is the bigotry of the Left.

President Trump's Top Ten Accomplishments in '19

Americans saw plenty of Washington at its worst this year, with one party in Congress obsessed with a partisan impeachment stunt and obstructing progress at every turn. But despite getting no help from the far left, America today is soaring to new heights.

It’s tough to pick only 10 accomplishments from such an extraordinary year, but here are just a few of the biggest things President Donald J. Trump has gotten done for the American people in 2019: 

The Trump Boom is going strong. The unemployment rate recently hit its lowest mark in 50 years. All told, since President Trump’s election, our economy has added more than 7 million jobs—over half a million in manufacturing alone.

The stock market keeps breaking records: The Dow Jones and S&P 500 hit record closes again on Friday. 

The working class is thriving, as are previously forgotten communities. Wages are now rising the fastest for low-income workers, and poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans have reached all-time lows.

Accountable government is back. Since taking office, President Trump has rolled back nearly 8 regulations for every new one, saving American taxpayers more than $50 billion in the process—with bigger savings still to come.

Better trade deals are putting America back in the driver’s seat. Congress approved President Trump’s USMCA this month—a huge win for U.S. workers, farmers, and manufacturers that will create 176,000 new jobs.

Trade with China in particular is about to get a whole lot fairer. As part of a historic “phase 1” deal, Beijing has agreed to structural reforms in its trade practices and to make substantial purchases of American agricultural products.

Securing the border is paying off and making our country safer. President Trump struck new agreements with Mexico and Central American countries this year to help stop the flood of illegal immigration. Thanks to this swift action, border apprehensions fell by more than 70 percent from May to November.

On health care, President Trump is fighting to give our patients the best system on Earth. While Democrats try to take away choice, the President’s focus on affordability led to the largest year-over-year drop in drug prices ever recorded.

American interests are taking center stage abroad. In just one example: After years of not paying their fair share, NATO Allies will have increased defense spending by $130 billion by the end of next year.

Our great military took out the world's top terrorist in October. (Meet Conan, the hero dog who helped them do it!) Our troops are now getting the support they deserve. President Trump recently signed the National Defense Authorization Act for the 2020 fiscal year, which includes the biggest pay raise for our military in a decade.

Young Adults To Begin New Year With Mass

Faithful throughout the Archdiocese are invited to gather at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul for a prayerful, holy, and unique way to ring in the New Year. It will be hosted by members of the Cathedral’s Young Adult Group and the Catholic Center for Young Adults.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019 – Wednesday, January 1, 2020
11:00 p.m. Holy Hour
12:00 a.m. Midnight Mass
1:00 a.m. – 2:30 a.m. Celebration
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
18th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Reverend G. Dennis Gill, Rector of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul and Director of the Archdiocesan Office for Divine Worship, will be the principal celebrant and Father Shaun Mahoney will be the homilist at the Midnight Mass for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Following the Mass, there will be a celebration in Drexel Hall.  The theme is Art Deco and 1920s period attire is welcomed. Refreshments and music will be provided at no cost and all are welcome to attend.

You can find information about the event through the Facebook event page https://www.facebook.com/events/453854045322662/ or CCYA’s Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/CatholicCenterForYoungAdults .

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Note:  The Catholic Center for Young Adults works to build weekly fellowship, strengthened faith and communion of Catholic life among young adults in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. For more information about CCYA, please visit http://www.ccyaphiladelphia.org/ .

The Young Adults at the Cathedral is an organization within the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul committed to the faith, fellowship and community service. To learn more about this group, please visit http://cathedralphila.org/events/young-adult-events/ or reach out to Chris Sacco at youngadults.cathedral@gmail.com .

When You Think About It, It's NO Big Deal!

I've never ben able to get very excited about New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. But for a long time I couldn't figure out why.
Now, I finally get it: They're downright innocuous.
Here then, in no particular order are the Ten Big Reason why the New Year's "holiday" is dumb, dumb, dumb:

1) There is absolutely no significant historical or religious meaning to the day.

2) How many bowl games can you watch, anyway?

3) The day signifies not the beginning of anything but rather the end -- the end of the joyous holiday season.

4) The Tournament of Roses Parade, the Mummers Parade and other New Year's spectacles are all pretty much the same year-after-year.

5) You know it's true: Nobody keeps New Year's resolutions.

6) Celebrating the passing of time is like celebrating the inexorable march to your own death.

7) After Christmas, no other holiday on the immediate horizon can compete. It's all so anti-climactic.

8) By January 1 you're completely stuffed and don't even wanna look at food. You're facing the grueling regimen of a diet.

9) All you have to look forward to are the two bleakest months of the year: January and February; and March ain't much better.

10) It'll take you weeks to get used to writing 2020 and you may still be thinking 2019 even in April.

The bottom line: New Year's Day is just another day on the calendar.

Unusual New Year's Eve Midnight 'Drops'

The Times Square Ball Drop is a New Year's Eve tradition -- a dumb tradition, but still a tradition.
But did you know that many other cities have their own midnight "drops" on New Year's Eve?
No joke. Here is a list of some of the other drops:
Raleigh, N. C. - Acorn drop
Carlisle, PA - Car
Miami - Orange
Kennet Square, PA - Mushroom
Atlanta, GA - Peach
Bethlehem PA - Peeps (yes, those funny marshmallow chicks)
Marion, Ohio - Popcorn
Harrisburg, PA. - Strawberry
Orlando, FL. - Orange
Winter haven, FL. - Lego brick
Indianapolis, IN - Indy car
Eastport, ME - Sardine
Frederick, MD - Giant key
Princess Anne, MD - Stuffed muskrat
Traverse City, MI - Cherry
Niagara Falls, NY - Gibson guitar
Elmore, OH - Sausage
Lebanon, PA. - Lebanon Bologna
Hilton Head Island, SC - Golf ball
Folly Beach, SC - Flip flops
Fredericksburg, VA - Pear
New Orleans, LA - Fleur-de-lis
Bartlesville, OK - Olive
Nashville, TN - Musical note
Plymouth, WS - Cheese wedge
Flagstaff, AZ - Pine cone
Boise, ID - Giant Potato 
Las Cruces, NM - Chile pepper
Prescott, AZ - Boot
Temecula, CA - Bunch of grapes
And my two personal favorites:
Mechanicsburg, PA.. - Wrench (Whoa - Watch out when that wrench drops!)
Dillsburg, PA.. - Pickle (Beats me why anyone would celebrate a "pickle drop" or droop.)
Groundhog Day. And strawberry, car, wrench, mushroom and pickle drops. The Mummers. Something about Pennsylvania seems to attract sometimes silly, faux-folk customs.

Does Anybody Remember 'Mr. New Year's Eve?'

Dick Clark died of a massive heart attack more than seven years ago.
The host of American Bandstand who later succeeded Guy Lombardo as "Mr. New Year's Eve" was 82 when he passed away. But he always looked decades younger. He was the timeless teenager.
Clark's legacy lives on through so many TV shows and innovations that he pioneered.
Dick Clark got his start in Philadelphia and was once as much a part of the fabric of the city as a Mummer's string band or a soft pretzel. It all began when he landed a gig as a DJ at WFIL in Philadelphia in 1952, spinning records for a show he called "Dick Clark's Caravan of Music." There he broke into the big time, hosting Bandstand, an afternoon dance show for teenagers. The show was such a hit locally that lines wrapped around the old WFIL-TV studio as teenagers waited to get in for the live, late-afternoon broadcasts.
When the show went national things really started to take off.
Within five years, the whole country was watching as ABC presented "American Bandstand" and Clark introduced the nation to some of the biggest rock 'n roll acts (and songs) ever.
The show was never quite the same after it moved to Hollywood in 1963 but Clark continued to succeed and rake in the dough as he became a hugely successful TV producer. His "Dick Clark Productions" became a veritable license to print money.
"Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve" on ABC became a Dec. 31 tradition, with Clark hosting the festivities for more than three decades, introducing the entertainment acts and, of course, counting down to midnight as the ball dropped in New York's Times Square.
In 2004 Clark suffered a stroke that left him partially paralyzed and barely able to speak. Courageously, he continued to appear on the annual countdown.
He was a shrewd businessman, a consummate showman and an American success story

Sunday, December 29, 2019

ACTUAL VIDEO! Texas Church Shootout!

The Two People Who Dominated The Decade . . .

As the decade comes to a close, we can see that two people dominated the news from 2010 to 2020.
One dominated the first half of the decade and the other came to define the second half.
And the two of them apparently could not be more different or more farther apart even though they have a surprisingly number of things in common.
Both burst upon the scene with the suddenness of lightening and both were underestimated at first. Both vanquished the same opponent -- an opponent who seemed downright invincible. Both brought little or no substantive experience to their chosen endeavors and both rose within their chosen fields in an unconventional manner. Both built movements centered around their own unique personalities; both disrupted the status quo; both defied the odds; both redefined the roles they came to play; both displayed a brash confidence at every turn; both let hardly anybody into their inner circle for any significant length of time and both consistently acted in a way that rattled their detractors.
One acted distant and enigmatic at times while the other usually seemed all too obvious and in-your-face. One courted the media and enjoyed media adoration from start to finish while the other openly challenged the media and mocked their supposed power. One surrounded himself with notables who inhabited a glittering world of elites while the other not only eschewed such trappings but deliberately sought out people from the opposite end of the socioeconomic spectrum. One left his mark with landmark legislation while the other redefined an entire branch of government with a whole new slate of appointees. One advanced a leftist agenda under the guise of reasonableness and unity while the other offered nationalist populism with a conservative bent. One tried to built beyond his base while the other seemingly played almost exclusively to his base.
Each one pushed his political party in a new direction and, in the process reset each party's brand and rules. Because of what these two men have done, nothing will ever again be quite the same.
The first one, of course was Barack Obama. Obama took office on the eve of the new decade and would have most certainly defined the whole era were it not for the man who followed him -- that other man named Donald Trump. And even though Trump wasn't elected to office until the decade was more than half over, he certainly came to dominate not just what was left of it but the whole view of things looking into the 2020s. In fact, as historic as Obama's victory may have been, Trump's 2016 upset stands as a seminal moment in America's cultural and political history -- a moment that sits astride the decade like a behemoth. And, obviously, it also stands as a moment that greatly diminished (or maybe even eliminated) whatever legacy Obama hoped to have.
Time on America's socio-political clock is now defined as BT and AT -- Before Trump and After Trump. And it's the period which can only be called After Trump that is proving to be riveting, formidable and consequential. Much of what happened Before Trump -- including Obamacare -- now seems almost trivial by comparison.
But it's important to remember that without Obama the seismic shift of Trumpism would have never occurred. Obama was the classic overreacher -- not overachiever, just overreacher. The former community organizer wanted nothing less than to reorganize -- to reorder -- America according to his own leftist agenda. And he made no secret of it. In doing so, he raised expectations so high that he was bound to disappoint his own followers while simultaneously provoking and ultimately energizing his opponents.
And, this too: there was an enormous void in the Republican Party. The GOP had grown not just weak but soulless and vacant. At its core it was mushy and captive to a country club set afflicted with terminal ennui. While they were playing croquet, Donald Trump came along and not only turned everything upside down but changed all the rules as well.
So when you ring in the new year, stop for a moment and think of this:What an exciting time to be alive!

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