Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Chatting With Babwa Wawa

So there I was driving home yesterday afternoon listening to Barbara Walters' radio show on the Sirius "Stars" channel and Barbara was bemoaning the fact that no one ever visits her My Space page and no one calls her radio show. I thought surely this could not be the case. After all, Barbara is a Big Star. But she kept giving the number for her caller line so I decided to call. And in no time at all there I was chatting with Barbara -- and during drive time, no less.
Thank goodness (you may have noticed) I'm rarely at a loss for words.
The show was all about "The Most Fascinating People of The Year" which is the subject of Barbara's annual TV special. I told Barbara that I thought that Rudy should certainly make the list: He's highly intelligent, powerful, instinctive, can be unpredictable, is multi-faceted and, after all, what other presidential candidate has ever done Saturday Night Live in drag?
Barbara said Rudy had to be ruled out as were all of those seeking the presidency in '08. But she did announce that Bill Clinton has made this year's list. Bill Clinton? What could possibly be fascinating about him? How could a person be fascinating if there's virtually nothing left about him that we don't already know? And isn't putting Bill Clinton on the list sort of like endorsing Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?
Well, I suppose you'll have to ask Barbara those questions.
For her part, Barbara ended her brief chat with me by saying: "Well Dan, I'm sure Judy Giuliani thinks Rudy is fascinating. No doubt she would agree with you."
Hey, I could be in worse company.

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