Monday, December 17, 2007

Academia Funds Democrats

So far, for the 2008 election, 76 percent of all federal political contributions from people who work in academia have gone to Democrats. This is nothing new and in fact is on a par with contributions from academia for the last two election cycles.
Employees of academia have given more than $7 million so far this election cycle to federal candidates, parties and committees. Sixty percent of this has gone to presidential candidates with Barack Obama leading the pack in contributions followed by Hillary Clinton.
In the last two election cycles, college employees contributed more to politicians than the oil and gas industry, which ranked 16th in both cycles. All this is reported by the Center for Responsive Politics.
The top contributors to Democrats (by university) with the percentage going to the Democrats are: William & Mary, 99%; University of Chicago, 92%; University of Pennsylvania, 90%; University of Chicago, 90%; Apollo Group/University of Phoenix, 90%; Stanford University, 89%; Georgetown University; 85%; Northwestern University, 82%; Harvard University, 81%.

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