Thursday, December 6, 2007

'Tis The Season

Tonight I attended the big White and Williams law firm holiday party in Philadelphia and, as always, this was one of the best parties of the season with plenty of cheer flowing and lots to eat. But everyone was very well behaved. We had a chance to chat with the retired Common Pleas Court Judge Marvin Halbert and his wife, Marcia. It's great to see Judge Halbert and Marcia Halbert remaining so active and involved in the life of the city. Our friends at White and Williams include Merrit Cole, Pennsylvania Bar Association President Andy Susko and the inimitable Joe Foster. W&W is a firm with huge talent and big personalities.
On the way out of the hotel we dropped in at the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association party where we saw the group's new executive director, Tony Green, Philly TLA executive director Pat Patterson, Pennsylvania State Senator Kathy Manderino, Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Ron Castille, former Philadelphia Bar Association Chancellors Abe Reich and Alan Feldman and the guy who will seek the Chancellorship next year, the great Rudy Garcia. Much fun and laughter all around.
Then it was back out into the shivering (and Christmas-like) cold.

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