Wednesday, January 30, 2008

2008 In 2008

In little more than three weeks time this fledgling blog has racked up an additional 1,000 hits. We have now exceeded 2008 visits as we move along in 2008!
Back on January 7 we were all excited about reaching 1,000 hits.
We actually launced this site last November 24 and gave ample credit to our many friends including radio talk show host Dom Giordano who urged us to start a site during an on-air interview. We thank all of you who told us that these opinions and views should be in one place - a place that would also provide a forum for ongoing comment. Your suppost and encouragement has meant so much to us.
We've worked hard to keep this site lively and up-to-date and we've made it easier and easier for you to post your comments. Anyone can now post a comment anonymously. You need not register or identify yourself in any way. The comment board is wide open.
And more and more blogs are linking to ours. Here are just a few of the blogs that now link to us via their blog rolls: BlogNetNews, BlogNetNewsNJ, Dan Gross' Philly Gossip, Phil Goldsmith, Politics Pennsylvania, ShapTalk, The PR Lawyer and Red Jersey. We thank them all and urge you to visit these other wonderful sites.
And do one more thing: Tell everyone else to visit us. Tell your friends and neighbors and co-workers and encourage them to join in the ongoing debate about politics, the media, the current scene, entertainment, the headlines and the popular culture.
With so many big events on the horizon this year we're going to have lots of fun right here. So, don't go away. Come back often!

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