Monday, January 14, 2008

Great Feedback

Marlene Panoyan, Director of Communications for the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has informed us that our comments about the passing of Johnny Grant have been placed on the Johnny Grant Memorial Tribute Page, right there alongside comments from Nancy Reagan, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa, Chamber of Commerce President Leron Gubler and Congresswoman Diane E. Watson. We are honored.
And so many of you have been adding your opinions (anonymous or otherwise) on various postings here that we just want you to know how much we appreciate your input.
For example, in response to our Daily News op-ed some of our friends have been suggesting additional words and phrases to banish during the new year. Among those suggested are sexy, drill down, celebrate, recharge your batteries and touch point.
Also, two of our former students have written to comment on the blog.
Pat Rose says: "Just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying your blog, especially your commentary on the Presidential candidates. I think this will be one of the more interesting presidential campaigns in recent memory. I think I heard a stat saying that this is the first time since the 1920's that neither a sitting President or Vice President will be running for the Presidency. My hunch is Obama v. McCain."
Pat graduated from Rowan and is now Public Affairs Coordinator for the New Jersey Economic Development Authority.
And Meredith Avakian says she thinks the blog is a "wonderful idea" and is enjoying our ruminations. Meredith graduated from Temple and is now Senior Public Affairs Representative with DuPont.
Pat and Meredith were two of my best students. Meredith has been back to guest lecture at Penn State and Pat says he will soon do the same.

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