Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Police State

Politicker NJ via the Newark Star Ledger reports: Gov. Jon Corzine insisted yesterday his office had nothing to do with the arrest of conservative activist Steve Lonegan at a town hall meeting in Cape May County, even though the mayor of Middle Township said local police acted at the direction of the governor's staff. "All I know is they were doing what they were told to do," Mayor F. Nathan Doughty, a Democrat, said. Asked who had told them what to do, he said, "The governor's people." Corzine was adamant in rejecting Doughty's claim about Saturday's arrest at Middle Township High School. Lonegan was arrested moments before the start of the town meeting at which the governor was to explain his plan to increase tolls on the state's major highways.
At this point does anyone really believe anything Corzine says? Anything?
Thank goodness Senator Tom Kean Jr. is on the case. Sen. Kean wants the state Attorney General to investigate the possible violation of Steve Lonegan’s first amendment rights. Lonegan, a former Bogota Mayor was demonstrating against the wacky Corzine plan to hike tolls in Jersey by 800% on all toll roads and add tolls to roads that don't currently have tolls. It's called toll tyranny and it's just another sick spend and borrow scheme.

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