Friday, January 4, 2008

Sad Sight

It was sad to see our former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright standing there on the platform in Iowa last night while loyalists watched Mrs. Bill Clinton attempt to explain her slide down the hill. Albirght looked tiny and out of place - like a forgotten figure from history.
I had the pleasure of meeting Madeleine Albright when she was our Ambassador to the United Nations. She is a brilliant woman and a distinguished public servant. I found her to be gracious, attentive, and compelling. She hardly needs to serve the wishes of any politician.
But after Bubba flat out swore to his cabinet that he had engaged in no improprieties, sexual or otherwise, Albright was the first one to appear before the media and proclaim: "I believe him." Well, she was too quick to take the man at his word. And it just ain't diplomatic for a diplomat to show such poor judgment.
Still, I never thought of Albright as just another Clintonista. And maybe she isn't. But there she was last night, on that platform.

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