Monday, February 18, 2008

Mark's Moment

One of our town's top public relations pros was welcomed onto the wall of notables at the city's premier watering hole last night when Mark Tarasiewicz witnessed the unveiling of his likeness at The Palm.
Mark who is the Director of Communications for the Philadelphia Bar Association is also chairman and past president of the Philadelphia Public Relations Association. A Philly native, he's a graduate of Temple University. Mark is a nationally-recognized PR practitioner who shares his expertise with students as an adjunct professor at Temple's School of Communications.
But here's the important part: Mark is one of the nicest people we know. He's caring, helpful, friendly, funny, thorough, bright, incredibly hard-working and admirably meticulous.
Once in a great while nice things really do happen to nice people.
This is one of those moments. This is one of those people.
Congratulations, Mark. And thanks to our favorite restaurant, The Palm, for making it happen!


  1. What fabulous news! Everything that Dan Cirucci says about Mark Tarasiewicz is absolutely true. How lucky Philadelphia is to have a public relations pro as talented,knowledgeable and kind as Mark. He's also a sophisticated foodie, so the wall of The Palm is a great venue for his image.
    Bonnie Sashin
