Friday, February 15, 2008

New Visits, New Features!

Thanks once again to all of you for helping us to make this site a success.
For us, the past few weeks have been the busiest ever. Even though we are a relatively young site, we are now averaging nearly 500 visits per week and we've already passed the 2,500 mark.
Plus, we're offering several new features:
You may notice the "sphere" logo after each posting. Sphere is a special service that links us to other blogs, other posts and the entire internet. When you click on the sphere logo at the end of each posting a screen will pop up which tells you about similar postings on other blogs and items on the internet which are related to the same subject. We hope you enjoy this convenient new feature.
We are also a precinct for the Pajamasmedia presidential straw poll. Just click on the box and you can vote in this weekly straw poll.
And, we are now linked up with New Jersey Blogs and BlogNetNews. This allows you to search BlogNetNews and other Jersey blogs.
Plus, don't forget that it is now easier than ever to comment on our postings. Simply click on the word "Comment" at the end of each posting and you can add your comment. You don't have to register or leave your name. You can always comment anonymously and we welcome your comments.
Tell everyone you know about our blog and keep coming back!

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