Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Rally In Trenton Friday!

Everyone is urged to join radio station New Jersey 101.5 along with Jim Gearhart and The Jersey Guys as they rally the people of New Jersey to stand up and be heard on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 at 12noon on the steps of the State House in Trenton.
NJ 101.5 is inviting everyone throughout the state to gather and voice their opinion regarding the 800% proposed Toll Hike Scheme and the lack of spending cuts being made by the current legislators.
Signs, banners, buttons and shirts are ALL encouraged at this rally.
The Governor stated that, "Pigs will fly over the Statehouse before there's a realistic level of spending cuts that can fix this mess."
Now, be there as New Jersey 101.5 and the people of New Jersey make pigs fly over the Statehouse as a show of outrage and solidarity!
To be a part of the rally, email the Jersey Guys at: mailto:%20theflyingpigs@nj1015.com

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