Saturday, February 9, 2008

Thanks, Bob!

Bob Ingle is Trenton Bureau Chief for Gannett New Jersey newspapers and co-author of "The Soprano State: New Jersey's Culture of Corruption." Everyone should visit Bob's blog and regularly read his columns in Gannett's Jersey newspapers. Bob was among the major boosters of yesterday's grand Rally Of The People in Trenton.
In New Jersey we have something called "Abbott" school districts that reap the bulk of state benefits. This term came about because of a state Supreme Court decision that ordered redistribution of state school funding.
So now, Bob reports that standardized test results in many schools are improving while results in the Abbott schools continue to slide - this despite the fact that "half the state's education budget goes to just 31 schools in poor urban areas."
As Ingle correctly observes: "The problem with the Abbott philosophy is it's based on flawed thinking that all education takes place in the classroom and if you throw enough money something it improves."
Thanks, Bob!

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