Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bravo Drexel Law!

Last night we attended a gala reception for the new Drexel University College of Law on the Drexel campus in Philadelphia. The reception, held in Drexel's ornate Great Hall in the oldest building on campus celebrated Drexel's newest success story.
Drexel Law School Dean Roger J. Dennis thanked everyone involved for their efforts in getting the new Law School on its feet and helping it to achieve provisional American Bar Association certification in a quick 18 months. "The enthusiasm and commitment of our students give us all the energy to build a law school that merits the generous investment of our faculty, staff and many friends," Dean Dennis said.
Speakers included Drexel's dynamic President Constantine "Taki" Papadakis, Dean Dennis, Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice Ronald Castille (shown speaking) and Chief Judge Anthony J. Scirica of the U. S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals. While we were there we also chatted with our wonderful friend and Drexel Vice President and Chief of Staff Carl "Tobey" Oxholm, III and former Philadelphia Bar Association Chancellor Jane L. Dalton.
Drexel's Law School is off to a great start and it's fitting that this outstanding research university now has a law school in addition to its medical school. Drexel has witnessed phenomenal growth and diversification under President Papadakis and when you visit the campus you can feel the energy and excitement.

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