Sunday, March 2, 2008

OH!bama Exclusive

So there I am in the checkout line at my local supermarket and I see that Us Weekly is featuring an exclusive interview with Barack OH!bama. And there's OH!bama right up at the top right on the cover. He's right up there with the latest on Jennifer Aniston and all the hot fashions from the Oscars. And Us declares: "Barack Obama - He's just like us!"
Why is this happening? Why is OH!bama giving exclusive interviews to the likes of Us Weekly while pretty much ignoring the national news media? Surely, you've figured this out by now.
We're witnessing the Oprahfication of national politics. When it comes to rock stars like OH!bama we don't want to know about things like homeland security, the environment, the economy or health care. We want to know whether he wears briefs or boxers. Well, actually Barack won't answer that question but he does say: "I look great in whatever I wear."
Now, that's what we want from a Real Star: funny, human and modest, too!

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