Friday, April 11, 2008

NJ: Vote 'No' This Tuesday

Jersey voters get to vote on their school budgets this Tuesday, April 15.
I'll be voting 'No!'
It's not that I don't care about schools. It's not that I don't care about kids. I care deeply about both.
But school budgets climb year after year and they represent the bulk of our property taxes - the nation's highest property taxes. Politicians must get the message that these increases simply have to end. And voting 'NO' on the school budget is one of the only ways we have to get the message across - it's one of our only vehicles to drive the point home.
So much money is wasted at all levels of government that we must demand thrift and accountability. Every board, agency, commission - every elected official - must hear our voice loud and clear. Until we use our muscle at the ballot box, nothing will change.
Send a message - vote 'NO' on Tuesday!

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