Friday, April 18, 2008

Tell Him How To Vote

Tom Ryan, an undecided superdelegate in Pennsylvania, wants voters to decide for him.
With only four days until the Pennsylvania Primary, Tom says he wants to leave his choice up to the people. Last week, this Scranton Mayoral candidate announced on his web page,, that he was selected as one of Pennsylvania's unelected superdelegates. As a result, he has received numerous emails asking questions like "How did you become a Superdelegate?" and "Do you think its fair that you could overturn the will of the people?"
Visitors to can vote in a poll asking who Tom should support, Clinton or Obama. There will be a new video everyday between now and the primary. Out of 700 Superdelegates, only a little over 200 are actually known. TomRyan says he wants to show that superdelegates "are not the faceless, anonymous elites that the media has made them out to be. '


  1. Many people are saying this is a sham--that this guy is not a super at all. I checked and he's not on the uncommitted list, hasn't been added-on, and there's no real proof anywhere that he's a super.

  2. Word over at the Obama blogs is that this is just marketing for an upcoming movie. Tom Ryan is a fictional character.

  3. Yep, it's fake. Marketing for money for a hopeful tv show.
