Wednesday, May 7, 2008

From Iron Hill To Ponzio's

Last night we visited nearby West Chester and dined at one of our favorite spots, the Iron Hill Brewery. Iron Hill's lively, informal atmosphere, friendly staff and key location in downtown West Chester make it a welcoming spot all year round but it's always fun in the spring when sidewalk dining opens up. And Iron Hill has recently updated its menu which is augmented by the bar's own fresh brews that vary with the season.
We love West Chester for a variety of reasons. Not the least of these is the fact that this cozy college town is home to PR pro Adam Cirucci who joined us last night. Adam enjoyed one of his favorite Iron Hill menu items, the New York strip steak.
Bright and early this morning we headed to Ponzio's diner/restaurant at the crossroads of Cherry Hill where Mayor Bernie Platt welcomed a group of us for breakfast. The Mayor updated us on plans for continued commercial growth and development in South Jersey's most vibrant community. But Bernie also warned that New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine is trying to "balance the state's budget on the backs of communities like Cherry Hill." The Mayor is not amused - and neither are we! The way we see it, the Governor and state lawmakers ought to wring the state budget and state government dry of mismanagement, waste and corruption before they pass their problems onto sprawling, successful suburban meccas like Cherry Hill.
At the breakfast we chatted with Cherry Hill Mall honcho Bob Ahlquist who told us the big new expansion of the mall is moving ahead right on schedule. In addition to Maggiano's the Mall will announce another new restaurant opening real soon. But Bob's not ready to release the name of this top-drawer restaurant and neither are we. So, stay tuned!

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