Friday, May 9, 2008

Joey The Great!

Kudos to the Great Joey Vento and his Geno's Steaks for donating all of the proceeds from their sales during the past 24 hours to the family of slain Philadelphia police Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski.
The line at Geno's snaked around the vibrantly lit cheesesteak haven last night and we waited patiently with so many, many others to contribute to the cause. We didn't mind the long wait and met many folks in line who felt the same way.
Many of Philadelphia's Finest also arrived to show their support and Joey welcomed the men and women in blue, ushering them in through a back door so they could save time and get back to their shifts.
In the line we ran into Jim Johnson, an old classmate from Woodrow Wilson High School in Camden who now lives in nearby Audubon. Jim is semi-retired and now works at Philadelphia International Airport. He was purchasing some cheesesteaks to take home to family members in Jersey. We also saw our friend Dom Giordano, host of The Dom Show on The Big Talker, 1210 AM on the radio in Philadelphia. Dom broadcasted live from Geno's last night.
As I'm writing this Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski's memorial service is already underway in Philadelphia. How many more police slayings will it take before people wake up and realize we must crack down on street crime?
On final thought: No mercy on the thugs who murdered Sgt. Liczbinski and shame on all of those everywhere (including Barack Obama, wacky Jon Corzine, New Jersey legislators and so many others) who refuse to use the death penalty. Shame on them!

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