Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hollywood Meets Woodstock

Politicao says it's being billed as a sort of "Woodstock for rich people." It's the big Hollywood/Obama gala scheduled for the Disney Concert Hall in LA.
So call it Woodstock meets Hollywood meets Disney. Here's the deal:
Barack Obama will be welcomed back to Hollywood on June 24 for his first fundraiser in L.A. since becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee for president. The event is likely to draw the largest congregation of celebrities and local heavy-hitters attending a political event since late January, when Obama met with Sen. Hillary Clinton at their initial one-on-one debate at the Kodak Theatre.
That televised confrontation, which launched the final stretch of the long-fought Democratic nominating race, drew showbiz notables including Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, Leonardo DiCaprio, Pierce Brosnan, Stevie Wonder as well as a who's who of state and local representatives.
The upcoming fundraiser, held in downtown Los Angeles at the Music Center complex area, is expected to draw a crowd of more than a thousand well-wishers. Organized as a fete for the Democratic National Committee, the party designation means participants can contribute up to $28,500 as opposed to the $2,300 that donors are allowed to contribute to a specific candidate in the general election. Four years ago, then-candidate John Kerry held a similar event at the Music Center's Walt Disney Concert Hall that brought in $5 million, making it rank among the most successful political fundraisers in city history.

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