Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Congress: Lift The Ban!

It's Called the Bekkan Formation.
It runs from Montana into lower Canada and includes parts of North and South Dakota as well as other states.
And it's rich in oil and natural gas: up to 503 BILLION barrels of potential oil reserves alone.
And this doesn't even take into account the additional energy bonanza that would be gained for offshore exploration.
The President and Republican leaders have already given the green light to the exploration that we need to close the energy gap and lower prices at the pump and elsewhere. The only things standing in the way right now are Barack Obama and the Democrat Congress.
America has what it needs to take the first big step toward energy independence. And, be sure of this: As soon as we announce that drilling will begin the price of oil futures will drop and that will affect the price at the pump. The results are likely to be quick and dramatic.
The President has lifted the ban on offshore drilling. Now the Democrat Congress must act.
It's time for this do-nothing Congress to wake up!

1 comment:

  1. You people need an Econ lesson. Crude futures react quickly to exploration news, and just as quickly re-adjust because speculators are not idiots. The key word here is POTENTIALLY, and really, the price of crude oil is MONETARY in nature. See - the declining dollar. Thank you Republican leadership.
