Monday, August 25, 2008

The Old White Man

In the end Team Obama had to turn to an old white man.
They chose an old man who was first elected to the Senate when Obama was only a kid.
It seems he needed the appearance of stability. He needed some sense of seasoning.
That's the way it appears.
Obama's people surely conducted polls and focus groups before the decision was made. They certainly must have poured over their findings. They must have studied the comments, the reactions and the numbers carefully.
And no doubt they tested several options - several names, several possibilities for Vice President. These sorts of decisions aren't made capriciously anymore. No way.
And after all their consideration, all their consultation, all their study and all their vetting Team Obama picked an old white man.
It's funny. Funny, because Obama's running against an old white man.
And now he's got an old white man alongside him as his partner.
So, it seems old white men do have some worth. Indeed, it seems old white men have something to contribute after all.

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