Friday, August 1, 2008

Page 13 News

Out in nearby Abington, Pa. Ed Boyd has a fine blog called Page 13 News. The title comes from the fact that "the real story isn't found on the front page."
In recent years the Philadelphia suburbs have reversed a long-standing tradition and have started trending blue. Ed is one of those bright, committed young people who's working hard to stem the blue invasion. He deserves a lot of credit for speaking out on important issues and standing up for his heartfelt (and well reasoned) beliefs. People like Ed are really on the front lines of democracy, right there at the local level.
If you're a regular visitor to Page 13 News who linked to us from Ed's site, welcome!
If you haven't checked out Page 13 News, check it out now.
BTW: Another true fighter for The Cause in Montgomery County is our dear friend Gayle Michael of Bala Cynwyd. Gayle is an avid activist and respected politico who has helped keep the county government in the Right Hands! We've rarely met a finer judge of character or a sharper political observer than Gayle!

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