Saturday, September 13, 2008

Foxwoods Move Great!

The move to build a new Foxwoods Casino at Market East in (or atop) Philadelphia's aging Gallery Mall is one of the most exciting moves for the city that I can imagine.
Foxwoods would rejuvenate the entire area and add life to the Mall and the city's new convention zone.
Having worked in the neighborhood for nearly 20 years I know the area well.
Foxwoods is being more than fair in expressing its willingness to move its casino from the Philly waterfront to the downtown area. And Market East won't get another opportunity like this anytime soon.
Frankly, I hope this project is fast tracked so that Market East can witness the dramatic turnaround that it deserves. This is a chance to rethink and re-imagine the entire Market East corridor as a business, tourist and entertainment mecca leading into the historic area and the waterfront.
Let's hope that Chinatown neighbors and others will give the project a chance.
And bravo to Mayor Michael Nutter and Governor Ed Rendell for getting behind the project.
Go, Foxwoods!

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