Friday, September 12, 2008

Option: Dump Biden?

Democrats are increasingly jittery about their prospects today as the Obama campaign unleashes a September offensive full of new ads mocking McCain as out of touch and tieing him to lobbyists and special interests. At the same time, there are new concerns that Obama & Co. may not be able to reach fund rasing targets and that Democrats could even lose their control of Congress.
On top of all this, Senator Joe Biden has now pretty much admitted that perhaps Obama should have chosen Hillary Clinton as his running mate after all. Biden has been even more gaff prone that usual of late and there's little doubt that he's off his game. He seems uneasy in this new climate, surrounded by yuppy handlers and Obamaniacs.
Is it too late to dump Joe?
Is that even a possibility at this point?
In politics, never say never.
Democrats have proven themselves to be remarkably adept at making last-minute switches (think Torricelli et. al.) and one has to wonder what Obama and Bill Clinton were chatting about yesterday. At the same time, Hillary's been quietly helpful of late - as if she's waiting for the other shoe to drop.
That shoe could be Biden.
I'm not saying it's going to happen but if it does happen, it could happen like this: Biden withdraws (maybe for "health" or "personal" reasons or simply for "the good of the party") and the DNC quickly replaces him with Hillary.
Obviously, Hillary would need no training for this role. She's ready to go IF she's agreeable.
That's a big IF. Does Hillary really want to be Obama's second choice for second place?
Still, it can be done.
And don't forget: 50+ days is an eternity in politics.
In a year filled with twists and turns, don't rule anything out.


  1. 3-1 in favor of Obama dropping the anti-church catholic and picking up the narcissistic strap-on yielding psycho, im taking bets... hahahahahaha

  2. The GOP's finest. Nice to see McCain's got some support.

  3. Biden is a perfect politician - experienced, intelligent, wise. But that's it. When Palin came to stage, and "PalinMania" started, Biden became invisible. So rumors claim, that Biden will officially "resign because of health problems", and Obama will invite Hillary to join his fight against Palin. Because she, and no longer McCain, is Obama's biggest problem now.

  4. Draco, Draco, Draco. I'm sorry. Is it that the Left has a monopoly on harsh, petty, comments with no base in the truth? That seems to be the only reasoning I can come to. Considering the mud flying from the Obama campaign about Palin, that comment by thatguy was chump change. Furthermore, the comments on the Liberal blogosphere are serious, while thatguy was obviously being comical. Do yourself a favor pal, step back, calm down, and try and acquire a sense of humor. It will make life better...
