Friday, September 19, 2008

Palin Like Truman

Our dear friend Gayle Michael has sent us these observations on Governor Sarah Palin:
She's terrific--like a mini Reagan who not only loved our country but also had a great optimism for even better days.
And, she is inspiring just because of the way she is. There is no pretense.
Too bad there are those who will nit-pick and try to find fault with everything she stands for....when in reality it is they who are at fault within themselves.
I support her because of what she stands for. I truly believe she is unshakable and the more others try to discredit her, the stronger she will be.
If you go back and think about what Truman had to do to end WWII--he had absolutely no idea about what was going on in New Mexico until FDR died. No information and no experience.
Maybe that's the key--Truman reasoned, spoke and commanded from the heart. And, it was all about his love of America and saving lives. Too bad there are those who have lost sight of the big picture.

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