Tuesday, October 7, 2008

McC Help In Michigan

The battle for Michigan’s 17 electoral votes in the presidential race is far from over, as an aggressive new effort to defeat the Obama/Biden campaign in the Great Lake State has been announced.
The Our Country Deserves Better Committee (www.OurCountryDeservesBetter.com), a registered federal political action committee, is launching a $500,000+ effort against Obama’s Michigan campaign. The effort will combine a statewide television advertising campaign with a “Stop Obama” tour across the Upper and Lower Peninsulas that will include pro-McCain/Palin and anti-Obama/Biden rallies in 8 Michigan cities including: Detroit, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Traverse City, Alpena, Sault Ste. Marie, Marquette and Iron Mountain.
The Our Country Deserves Better PAC is launching efforts against the Obama/Biden campaign in support of the McCain/Palin campaign in several key swing states including: Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Missouri, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania. But Michigan has become the committee’s #1-priority.
“Senator Obama doesn’t represent change at all for Michigan. His high-tax, anti-business policies have already been implemented by the failed regime of Democrat Governor Jennifer Granholm, and we don’t need any more of that,” said Howard Kaloogian, Chairman of the Our Country Deserves Better Committee.
“Is it any wonder that the person who advised the Obama/Biden ticket on how to sell the same failed liberal policies in their debate prep was none other than the Tax Queen herself, Gov. Granholm? To think Obama and Biden had Granholm playing the role of Gov. Sarah Palin in their mock debates, when Palin is a popular governor who has overseen economic growth, tax cuts, and prosperity for the people of Alaska, while Gov. Granholm has presided over a exodus of people, businesses and jobs from the state of Michigan,” said Kaloogian
“We’ve seen the disaster that Michigan’s Democrat Governor, Democrat Lieutenant Governor, two Democrat U.S. Senators, and corrupt Democrat Mayor of Detroit have brought to the state. The tax-and-spend, anti-business policies have helped to create a one-state depression, which we cannot allow to be turned into a national depression under the same policies supported by Barack Obama,” Kaloogian said.

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