Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mystery Man

Who is Barack Obama and what is he hiding?
Consider the following:
1. Occidental College records — Not released
2. Columbia College records — Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper — ‘not available’
4. Harvard College records — Not released
5. Selective Service Registration — Not released
6. Medical records — Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule — ‘not available’
8. Law practice client list — Not released
9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate - - Not released
10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth — Not released
11. Harvard Law Review articles published — None
12. University of Chicago scholarly articles — None
13. Your Record of baptism– Not released or ‘not available’
14. Your Illinois State Senate records–’not available’


  1. 8. Law practice client list — Not released

    Are you kidding me? That's confidential. It could be a major ethics violation for an attorney to make their client list public. For some clients, it could cause irreparable harm if it's known that they've even hired an attorney, no matter what the issue was.

    If a doctor ran for president, should she be required to release a list of her patients? Same thing.

    11. Harvard Law Review articles published — None

    What are you trying to say here?

    As a law student, Barack Obama was the editor of the Harvard Law Review. When you're a law student, even if you are the editor of the school's law review, you don't publish articles. Generally, law review articles are written by law professors. Student work, which is not very frequently published in law reviews at all, is called a "note" when it is.

    A quick Lexis search of law reviews revealed to me that Barack Obama, in the years that he was a student at Harvard Law, was credited with assistance on two articles, which were written by professors.

    One article was in the November, 1989, volume of the Harvard Law Review (103 Harv. L. Rev. 1). It's by Professor Laurence Tribe of Harvard Law, who notes "I am grateful to Rob Fisher, Michael Dorf, Kenneth Chesebro, Gene Sperling, and Barack Obama for their analytic and research assistance" in the opening of the essay.

    The other article was in the May, 1989, volume of the Boston University Law Review (69 B.U.L. Rev. 695). It's by Professor David Rosenberg of Harvard Law, who notes "I am grateful for substantive criticism and editorial advice from Robert Fisher, James Godey, and Barack Obama" in the opening of the article.

    That Obama has not published any law review articles is not some bizarre, earth-shattering revelation. I'm not sure how many law review journals there are. They are published by (students at) law schools. But even if every law school in the country has a law review, the journals publish fewer than 10 articles per issue -- and there are more than 10 law professors at every American law school. Not every law professor publishes articles. Some are too busy practicing and doing other non-academic work.

  2. There are HUGE gaps in Obama's life; in his story.
    Obama = Gaps.
    Biden = Gaffes.
