Friday, October 10, 2008

The Phabulous Phightins!

A friend who was there writes this eyewitness account from Thursday night's Phillies game:
What a night, what a game. It was all too exciting. We were in the Hall of Fame section--which is the area behind home plate. A private elevator takes you up to where the club and private boxes are. We had dinner there and then viewed alot of memorabilia from Phillies days gone by. Our seats were a couple of rows below the press and TV boxes--perfect viewing. Of course, the most important thing is that we won the first game. I don't know if you saw that before the game the various military branches lined the field with the 50 state flags and behind them was a gigantic flag, that covered the entire outfield carried by more military men. Very moving, especially when they also lit the sky with fireworks. It was a proud moment for everyone in the stadium. Our city has waited a long time for this--and it was a great beginning. Dare I think The World Series!

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