Friday, October 24, 2008

Red State Fun

We needed to sink our feet solidly into the soil of a true Red State for awhile.
So, we flew to our beloved Texas.
And we're here in Austin for the National Association of Bar Executives annual Communications Workshop where we will conduct a workshop and present this year's E. A. Wally Richter Leadership Award.
Austin is a beautiful city - and one that has preserved and restored so many lovely and historic buildings. This town sits like a finely polished gem on the Colorado River and our hotel has a lovely river view.
Austin is also the state capital and few states have a more stately and impressive capitol dome than Texas. While we're here we will be enjoying many of the historic attractions.
But last night we whooped it up with colleagues at Esther's Follies which is Austin's version of comedy, vaudeville, satire and music all combined into a show that is sort of like Washington's Capital Steps. (Cast of Esther's pictured).
The show lampooned everyone and incorporated a healthy share of audience participation. Esther's sits right in the heart of Austin's lively Sixth Street entertainment district which is lined with music havens that offer potent libations.
This is a mecca for live music and Sixth Street is the place to be.
In fact, Austin bills itself as "the live music capital of the world."

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