Sunday, October 12, 2008


You may have noticed: Some people feel very strongly about this election.
This is an actual photo that a friend snapped in Naples, Florida this weekend.
And since we're all in favor of free speech, we encourage everyone to get out and let your voice be heard. Talk, shout, make signs or, as the OH!man himself says: "Get in their faces!"
And it's OK if you use your imagination. Rugged indvidualism made this country great.
But hurry. You'll need to take advantage of your freedom while you can.


  1. "A couple of protesters interrupted the event by telling McCain that he should end the war. One woman stood on a man's shoulders and held up a sign that read, 'War is over.'"

    So what were they doing? Now I know what you're going to say: something like "it's not their place to disrupt, and it was a political function, and they're wrong."
    I'd like to point out that if the goal is getting your message heard, then isn't it prudent to do it in a way that generates attention? I know I'm mad as hell about the state of the country; I get out, and I've done my part in getting my voice heard; but I think that on things like Iraq, in particular, people don't see much of a difference between McCain and Bush. And I'm mad at Bush. It's a shame that McCain hasn't made their distinctions clear.
    On the other hand, I'm glad that the person pictured has the time to sit on a corner with that sign; I'm just not sure they could articulate why they think we're screwed with Obama. And after the latest gems to come out at rallies, I'd just as soon like to never find out.

  2. That's hysterical!
