Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Up, Down Or Sideways?

It's an endless dilemma.
Side by side or up and down?
I used to be side by side. It was nice at first. And it seemed convenient. Plus, it was trendy.
But it didn't work out.
Over time, I found it to be too confining -- not flexible or adaptable enough. I wasn't able to spread out, to be expansive, to use my imagination. Yes, there's was always a downside to side by side.
So, now I'm up and down. And I find it doesn't test my agility nearly as much as I feared.
I'm still able to get what I want and enjoy what I like. In fact, all of my special treats are right there where I want them. And so what if I have to bend and twist a bit more. I find it's worth it, especially since the lower extremities glide with a newfound ease.
Sometimes you just have to break old patterns and try new positions.
And for me (for us, really) it has worked.
What was once ordinary, confining and dreary is now full, open and adventurous.
It's a real eye-opener: brighter, fuller, happier.
Yes, I love my new up and down refrigerator with the convenient freezer/drawer on the lower level and eye-level access to refrigerated items above.
And I don't know how I ever lived all those years with that stupid old side by side.
Who knew?

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