Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Ciruccis Are Thankful

Thanksgiving has given Adam Cirucci and Aimee Cirucci a great deal to be thankful for.
Adam Cirucci, the redoubtable legislative assistant to Pennsylvania State Senator Andy Dinniman has done a remarkable job helping to steer Senator Dinniman to a significant re-election victory earlier this month. Since Adam is responsible for much of the Senator's community and media relations, his work in crafting the Senator's messages and outreach has proved vital.
You can sample some of Adam's fine work here and here and here.
And don't forget to check out Senator Dinniman's beautifully designed and written newsletter here.
I can attest to the fact that it's not easy to be a PR pro but Adam already has a leg up on some of the best of them. Of course, he has valuable experience as an award-winning journalist and has also published quite a few pieces of fiction and commentary.
As for the prolific Aimee Cirucci, she reports that "Fall produced a wonderful harvest of writing opportunities."
Aimee has a piece in the upcoming book Six-Word Memoirs on Love and Heartbreak publishing on January 6th from Harper and already mentioned in the NY Post.
Her essay called "Video Killed the Love Story" will be published in What Was I Thinking?: 58 Bad Boyfriend Stories releasing on February 3rd from St. Martin's Press (it is also her first hardcover anthology).
Her first printed magazine article called "Leaving My Job, Finding Myself" will appear in the January issue of Sasee a Southern lifestyle magazine for women.
Her article "The Story of You" recently appeared on BettyConfidential and sparked enough interest that she'll be speaking further about it on Real Life, Even Better a blog talk radio show hosted by Michele Gentile, date is TBA.
Her writing appeared for the first time in both WritersWeekly and Chicken Soup for the Soul earlier this Fall.
And finally, she has started providing articles for Associated Content which offers a comprehensive multimedia library on almost every topic, her first piece is available here. Aimee's website and Facebook page are always updated as articles appear and she tweets about books, writing, publishing, and anything else that crosses her mind on twitter.

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