Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Corzine The Grinch

Joisey's grumpy, wacky, socially-challenged Governor Jon (Where's the 'h' in my name?) Corzine can now add a
new title to his growing list of monikers: The Grinch.
First Corzine announced that he will probably have to dump Joisey's property tax rebate program effectively raising homeowners' property taxes yet again. Now, Corzine has apparently killed a plan that would have halved the state sales tax during the Christmas holiday season to spur slagging retail sales and give hard-pressed consumers an added break.
This is typical tac and spend Dumbocrat thinking, refusing to recognize that lowering taxes actually increases tax revenue.
Here's the full story from NJAR's Pulse:
Even as one major retailer after another files for bankruptcy, New Jersey Democrats have killed an innovative proposal that was designed to spur economic activity, put more money in New Jersey residents pockets and save jobs going into the new year.Fearing that New Jersey could be facing one of the worst holiday shopping seasons in decades for local retailers and hoping to do something to jumpstart the state’s economy at this critical time, Assembly Republicans announced in October a proposal to cut the state sales tax in half during the holiday shopping season.“Given the current economic turmoil there is real concern that consumers will spend less this holiday season further eroding our state’s economic well being,” Assembly Republican Leader Alex DeCroce said at the time. “Cutting the sales tax in half will encourage more economic activity in the state, both by helping consumers, who will pay less for merchandise, and businesses, who should see an increase in their sales.”Assemblyman Vince Polistina and Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande formally introduced the legislation which called for cutting the state sales tax in half from 7 percent to 3.5 percent statewide, and from 3.5 percent to 1.75 percent in existing Urban Enterprise Zones, from Thanksgiving to January 4, 2009. . . . The proposal initially resulted in a wave of support for the proposal both from the public and members of the New Jersey business community. Polls showed overwhelming public support and representatives from the New Jersey Restaurant Association, the National Federation of Independent Business, the Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey, and the New Jersey Retail Merchants Association today held a news conference announcing their support for the plan.Despite this initial strong support, the proposal was almost immediately panned by Governor Jon Corzine who said he would not advocate for the proposal, and just this week Democrats in the Legislature voted down a legislative initiative to enact the sales tax holiday. With just one week to go until Thanksgiving, it appears that time has run out to implement the sales tax holiday this year.
Yet another effective, common-sense, innovative idea shot down by this grumpy old crow.
And still the people keep looking to this clueless meanie to solve Josiey's horrendous financial problems. It's like asking The Grinch to bring Christmas joy.
Will they ever learn?

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