Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Milestone!

Thanks to you we've now logged a whopping 20,000 visits from all over the world!
Yes, we haven't even reached our first anniversary but we've welcomed 20,000 visitors.
In fact the past few weeks have broken all previous visit records for this site.
It's exciting. It's gratifying. And we'd like to think we've earned it. We do know that all of your visits and comments have energized us and kept us going. From nearly every continent, you've fueled us, inspired us and kept us blogging.
And we've had to stay on our toes since you've challenged us, caught us in mistakes, chastised us and slapped us down once or twice.
It's all OK. In fact, it's wonderful.
And now that the election is over we'll be roaming the shoreline and commenting on an increasingly wide range of topics while presenting you with new information and new ideas every day.
Of course, we won't neglect the Obama Administration - and we'll keep a close watch on the GOP as well. But we'll also cover books, movies, TV, music, personalities, gossip, the Philly scene, patriots, scoundrels, Joisey, Broadway, Hollywood, Texas, our beloved Southland, Bella Italia, all things Italian and some far flung people, places and events you might not expect.
So, keep coming back. And bring others along as well.
Plus, don't forget to join in the commentary.
Because as we look ahead to 2009 and our Big First Anniversary the operative word is M-O-R-E!

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