Saturday, November 15, 2008


Since November 4 we have had rainy or cloudy weather here for four out of every five days.
Over the last several days the rain has been overwhelming - torrents of wind, and rain: buckets of rain; heavy rain; misty rain and all pervasive dampness.
The sky is so dark in the middle of the day that you can hardly tell the difference between day and night.
Now, whole areas are becoming flooded. The weekend has been pretty much washed out.
For Monday they're actually calling for SNOW!


  1. Well, if you want to imply that the One is responsible for this weather, then I have to congratulate him on a job well done.
    Maybe this year the snows start early, and I can get some use out of my snowboard. Maybe we'll have a white Christmas, instead of a rainy one. I love the snow. It really doesn't hamper my commute; and it brings the kids out. Snowball fight on Monday November 17th at Ardsley Park, weather permitting.
    BTW - Any sort of snow brings the PSU Abington campus to a halt. Maybe you'll have a snowday. Cheer up Dan.

  2. The older you get the less you will enjoy snow.
    I guarantee it.
    So, enjoy it now. Make haste while the snow falls.
    Think they'll be snow on January 20?
    If The One really is the Second Coming of JFK - the return of Camelot - then, there will be. Because a huge snowstorm greeted JFK's inaugutaion. Crews worked through the night to ready the snowy capital for the festivities.
    It was a mess.
    Time will tell.
