Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas With Bee!

There are several FM stations that are now playing all Christmas songs all the time.
And Serius/XM satellite radio also has all-Christmas channels at 79 (classics), 81 (contemporary) and 113 (Bing Crosby and friends).
But our favorite Christmas station is The Bee - B101 in Philadelphia.
We like it because the Christmas songs are upbeat and catchy. The Bee creates a nice mix of newer songs and classics. But the accent is always on high-energy fun.
So, you won't get a steady drumbeat of the dreadful Little Drummer Boy or the terminally annoying Twelve Days of Christmas. And you won't have to listen to too many sad Christmas whines like Blue Christmas or I'll Be Home For Christmas.
And the commercial breaks are nicely spaced.
But here's the best part: The station clearly identifies every song and every artist. This way you know who and what you're listening to.
Find out what's playing right now on B 101 by clicking here.

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