Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hugh Who?

A certain loquacious Philadelphia radio personality (who will be more than happy to tell you who he is) says the name "Hugh Jackman" just doesn't register with him.
"Who is this guy?" he asks. "And why is he the sexiest man alive?"
Can you believe this?
Here's a guy who can only hope to be one-hundredth of a percent as famous as Jackman and he's complaining about why we ought to know who Hugh Jackman is. And, he's also perpetuating the image of Philadelphia as insular, out-of-touch and downright clueless.
Maybe it's all a big joke.
Maybe he's actually hoping Jackman will come on his show to clear things up.
Well, Jackman is promoting his new film, Australia.
But Jackman doesn't really have to do much publicity since People magazine is happy to give him pretty much all the publicity he needs right now.
Who is Hugh Jackman?
Ask any woman alive.

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