Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Poll: Evenly Split!

The results are in on our poll and the numbers are evenly split.
We asked: "What will Barack Obama's popularity be on January 20, 2010?"
About 48% of you feel that the new President's popularity one year from now will be 50% or above.
But the rest of you (about 52%) feel his popularity will be 50% or less.
The percentages are not exact because they are not fractionalized.
Here's the breakdown:
18% of you say his popularity will be 70% or more.
15% peg it at 60 to 70%.
14% say it will be 50 to 60%
15% peg it at 40 to 50%
Note that all of those figures in each of those categories are relatively close.
But then nearly a quarter of you (23%) say his popularity will be only 30 to 40%. That is the largest single category of responses.
And then another 12% see him at less than 30% a year from now.
So, more than a third -- 35% of the respondents -- see President Obama's popularity at 40% or less a year from now,
Thanks for participating. We'll have a new poll tomorrow.

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