Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thanks 25,000 Times!

It's hard to believe we've really reached this milestone. But here we are! In fact, we're now actually averaging more than 2,000 visitors every month and are adding new visitors every minute of every day.
Thank you so much for making this blog a success.
Keep visiting - and keep telling everyone you know about us.
You inspire us to keep posting, keep writing and keep reaching out to new audiences. You are the reason for our continued success!


  1. Congratulations! I happy I could be a part of this celebration. I couldn't send you a cake but I did write about you on my blog. I hope you like it.

  2. MJ, you are too kind!
    Thank you for the wonderful advertisment.
    DO keep blogging and DO keep commenting and DO keep writing.
    I find that blogging is not only a wonderful discipline (since it forces me to write every day) but it's also a great way to meet new people (like you, for example!).
    I urge my visitors to check out your blog and I urge you to keep writing so they will have new stuff to read everyday.
    The more the merrier!
    Thanks agan.
