Saturday, January 31, 2009

Your '12 Choice: Palin!

The voting in our poll is over and the votes are in.
Your choice for the 2012 GOP nomination is Sarah Palin. Palin is the person who you feel would be the best Republican candidate for President in '12. Bobby Jindal was your second choice.
So, what about a Palin/Jindal ticket for 2012?
Here are the numbers:
Sarah Palin: 27%
Bobby Jindal 20%
Mitt Romney 12%
Mike Huckabee 12%
Jeb Bush 2%
Newt Gingrich 2%
None of the above 20%
Of course, let's not overlook one out of every five voters who picked "none of the above." These people seem to want a fresh, new face for the party. Or, are they still yearning for Rudy?
And who is my personal choice for 2012?
Well, I thought you knew. I'm for Laura Bush!

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