Friday, February 27, 2009

Again: Philly Officer Shot!

From KYW Newsradio:
A Philadelphia police detective is expected to make a full recovery, after being shot in the leg while serving an arrest warrant, Thursday.
Detective Albert Ford and his partner went to the one-thousand block of West Indiana Avenue in North Philadelphia to arrest 25-year-old Kevin Robinson. Robinson, a fugitive with eight prior arrests, was wanted in connection with an October shooting.
When the detectives identified themselves, Robinson fought with them, pulled a gun and fired at Ford. Deputy Commissioner Richard Ross says police returned fire, killing Robinson.
He says the entire department is relieved:
"It's just amazing when you look at, first of all, the proximity that they were to this guy, they were right up on top of him, so first and foremost they were lucky that they even saw the weapon. It could have went very differently and we could be standing here talking about another police funeral that we're planning."
Ford is 42 a 20 year veteran assigned to the major crimes unit.
Authorities say the 42-year-old detective from the Major Crimes unit, a 20-year veteran of the force, was shot around noon on Indiana Avenue near 10th Street while trying to serve a warrant. He was rushed to Temple Hospital, where he was listed in stable condition. John McNesby, president of the Philadelphia local of the Fraternal Order of Police, said after visiting the wounded officer at bedside that he was alert and talking.

A short time later, the wounded officer was visited in the hospital by mayor Michael Nutter and police commissioner Charles Ramsey. Nutter (right) expressed consternation that so many officers have been shot recently in Philadelphia, but was glad that this incident turned out better than some others.
"Nutter expressed consternation."
He was "glad that this incident turned out better than some others."
There are a lot of things that I could say but I'll just leave it at that - for now.

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