Saturday, February 28, 2009

Christie Unveils Plan

From Chris Megerian in the Newark Star-Ledger:
Republican gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie outlined his plan for economic growth . . . promising to cut taxes and fees while playing a hands-on role in attracting new businesses.
Front and center was his proposal to create a "New Jersey Parternship for Action," an umbrella organization to assist companies in the state. Led by the new lieutenant governor, it would interface with business leaders to streamline regulatory and relocation efforts.

"This will give business a seat at the table in my cabinet," Christie said.
The former U.S. attorney also proposed a "Red Tape Review Group" to assess regulations currently in place.Christie downplayed the role of the global economic recession in the state's financial woes, saying problems existed before the current crisis while laying the blame squarely at the feet of Gov. Corzine."The governor is going to say, 'It's not my fault,'" Christie said.

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