Friday, February 27, 2009

Corzine Fiddles; Joisey Sinks

Just a few quick facts, folks:
--New Jersey has fallen far behind other states in nearly all economic indicators:
In 2003, New Jersey was ranked 33rd for the business-friendliness of its tax code. Now, New Jersey has the worst. (The Tax Foundation: “Business Tax Climate Index,” 10/30/2008)
--Based on the Business Tax Index 2008, New Jersey is the worst state in which to start a new business. (Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council: “Business Tax Index 2008: Best to Worst State Tax Systems for Entrepreneurships and Small Business,” December 2008)
--New Jersey has the third most oppressive state government to free enterprise and consumer choice. (Pacific Research Institute: “U.S. Economic Freedom Index: 2008 Report,” September 16, 2008)
--In the Northeast, New Jersey ranks last in attracting new businesses and providing an environment for growth to existing firms. (Beacon Hill Institute:“Eighth Annual State Competitiveness Report,” 11/19/2008)
--According to the Business Tax Index 2008, New Jersey has the worst state tax system for entrepreneurs and small businesses. (Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council: “Business Tax Index 2008: Best to Worst State Tax Systems for Entrepreneurships and Small Business,” December 2008)

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