Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Geithner Falls Flat

From James Pethokoukis at US News :
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has gone from being the Indispensable Man to Indecipherable Man. With global financial community watching closely, Geithner laid out a confusing rescue plan for the U.S. banking system that did little to stem the ongoing dissipation of investor confidence. The reaction from Wall Street was withering.
"The bottom line from the Geithner speech is that it was too general, and it lacked the specifics needed to it to be credible," opined economist Brian Bethune of IHS Global Insight. Like many, economist Robert Brusca was perplexed about the plan to purchase toxic mortgage assets through some sort of sketchy public-partnership: "It is still not clear how this will work and how much cushion public money will provide and if it will involve any guarantees. I do not begin to understand how this private/public plan will work. Moreover, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failed precisely because of their public-private identity crisis." Little wonder why stocks plunged and investors rushed to buy safe U.S. Treasuries.

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