Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Is It Getting 'Dicey?'

From Jennifer Harper at The Washington Times:
Relations between President Obama and the habitually combative press have gotten dicey as the news narrative "turns bearish" on the president, says a Project for Excellence in Journalism report released Tuesday.
Intense coverage of the economic crisis plus close scrutiny of Mr. Obama's Cabinet choices have combined into a double whammy of sorts.
"Two different stories combined to create one major media narrative last week - a new president off to a shaky start," said Mark Jurkowitz , associate director of the research group.
The economy took up 44 percent of total press coverage last week - with another 17 percent focused on the new administration.
Super Bowl, Iraq and Afghanistan stories weighed in at less than 5 percent each.
"If the storyline seemed to pivot dramatically from a heady inauguration to a rocky transition, that sense was significantly magnified by the two platforms offering instant updates of the Beltway scoreboard, and both of them now firmly ideological," Mr. Jurkowitz said.
"On cable news, a dominant theme among talking heads was Obama stumbling at the starting gate. On talk radio, conservative hosts grew even more aggressive in staking out their opposition to the new president."

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