Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sleveless? In February?

I thought I was the only one who noticed this but here's Nia-Malika Henderson at Politico:
Whether FLOTUS [Michelle Obama] is in the White House kitchen, dancing the night away at a ball or in the hallowed (and usually conservative) halls of Congress taking in her husband's speech, she seems to prefer going sleeveless, winter be damned.
Like her husband, she's a fitness fanatic, and at POTUS's address last night, she was probably the only woman in the hall showing off her arms.
Fashionistas, who say FLOTUS will renew an interest in high fashion as well as off the rack items, are surely watching and taking notes. The message last night? Ditch the jacket and skirt look and go a little glam.
And here's Jodi Kantor in the New York Times:
It is February and Washington is freezing, but in appearance after appearance, the first lady displays her long, muscular arms. She is sleeveless on the cover of the new Vogue, she was sleeveless when she discussed menus on Sunday in the White House kitchen, and last night she was sleeveless again, in the House chamber for her husband’s first address to Congress. (All of the other women in the room seemed to be wearing long sleeves; a few even wore turtlenecks). . . .
“Oh my god,” Cindi Leive, the editor of Glamour magazine, exclaimed while watching the address, she said via email. “The First Lady has bare arms in Congress, in February, at night!”
Mrs. Obama’s super-sculpted arms are the result of years of effort. When her children were young, she began working out with a personal trainer, splitting sessions with girlfriends to save money. In recent years, she has exercised several times a week, often rising hours before her daughters to do cardio and lift weights, or spending Saturday sessions with the same personal trainer who guided her husband. At the gym, she is focused and competitive, friends say, counting her reps and teasing when they do not finish theirs.
Now those arms have become Mrs. Obama’s most constant accessory, whether she is wearing a Gap sundress or a designer ballgown. On the Vogue cover, the first lady wears little makeup, subtle jewelry, a simple sheath. It’s her arms that pop out, rippled and gleaming.
"Rippled and gleaming?"
I dunno. I always think it's more intriguing when a gal leaves more (not less) to the imagination.
And, BYW: Aren't short sleeves (or sleeveless tops) totally out of place in northern regions in February?

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