Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tale Of The Helmsman

This one's been making the rounds.
I don't know where or how it got started but here it is:


He’ll steer this ship in any sea
He’ll keep her off the rocks
He’s never helmed a ship like this
But he’s clever like a fox

The ship’s cook is in the galley
Stirring up a witch’s brew
She’ll make the helmsman drink it
And she will drink some too

The Purser guards the strong box
Holding gold in many sacks
He was chosen over others
So dumb they paid their tax

The Bosun had credentials
You could take them to the bank
Then he showed his slippery side
And was forced to walk the plank

The ship’s hold is overflowing
With huge boxes of largesse
For people owed for many things
But the ship’s now in distress

It’s heading toward a deadly reef
The crew has lost all joy
The man they thought was Captain
Is just the cabin boy

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