Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tax Break? 13 Bucks!

According to Jim Abrams of the Associated Press the Obama "stimulus" bill contains a tax break of (get this) a whopping thirteen bucks a week! And that's only till January. Then it gets cut back to 8 bucks a week.
Abrams says:
It includes Obama's signature "Making Work Pay" tax credit for 95 percent of workers, though negotiators agreed to trim the credit to $400 a year instead of $500 — or $800 for married couples, cut from Obama's original proposal of $1,000. It would begin showing up in most workers' paychecks in June as an extra $13 a week in take-home pay, falling to about $8 a week next January.
Whoa! Thirteen big fat dollars!
If you think that's gonna turn the economy around I got a nickle cuppa coffee I wanna sell ya.

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